A Few Pics

Hey everyone! I don’t have very much time, Kayla’s gonna wake up any minute from her nap, just thought I’d pop on and say hi and post a few pics. Kayla is doing so good! She’s been sleeping pretty much through the night already. Monday night and Tuesday night she slept from 8:30pm until 6:30am. Last night sle slept from 8:30pm until 7:00am. It’s really nice! She’ll wake up, eat, and stay awake for a couple hours in the morning, then take a 2 or 3 hour nap, then wake up and eat and stay awake for a few hours, then take another hour or so nap, then wake up and eat and stay awake for another couple hours, then take a half hour nap, then stay awake until about 8:30 then go to bed and sleep through the night (about half the time she sleeps through the night). It’s wonderful!

Alexis is doing very good also, she’s been forgoing her naps when Kennedy is here, like this week, she hasn’t had a nap since Sunday. That means that she’s REALLY tired come bedtime at 8:00pm, so she falls asleep about 2 minutes after her head hits the pillow. She’ll sleep until about 7 or 8 in the morning. I think she’s gonna take a nap today though, since she’s already saying she’s tired, and it’s only noon.

Oop, I hear Kayla moving around, so I better post these pics quick. Enjoy!

Kayla enjoying the outdoors yesterday. You can see Kennedy pushing Alexis in the swing in the background

And… a few pics of my belly 3 1/2 months PP. Not great, but not bad! Still at about 175 or so, as far as I know. Hopefully less!

And a comparison pic of my last belly pic and me now.

K, she’s fully awake now. GTG!


Don’t Be A Lurker…

May 17– Kayla 4 month check-up & shots 2:00 pm

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May 10, 2007

Your babies are beautiful!!

May 10, 2007

Everyone looks so happy… 🙂 And you look great! Hoping to lose the baby fat plus some of my own! LOL

May 10, 2007

Those are some pretty babes you got! I’m glad to hear Kayla is sleeping so well! That is always a huge milestone we are excited to get to!!!

May 10, 2007

Your girls are gorgeous! And you look fab!! xoxox

May 10, 2007

I wish my belly looked that good! I still have nasty red stretch marks!

May 15, 2007

Cute pictures as always and congrats on losing the belly..You look good!

May 15, 2007

Wow! Your belly has really shrunk!! It looks much better than mine does!! Lovely pics of the girls! xxx