
This weekend was pretty good. Easter was nice, went up to my parent’s house on Saturday and got to see them and my sister and my nephew. Went to Andy’s mom and dad’s on Sunday and did an Easter Egg Hunt with the kids, which was pretty cool. I’m not in the mood to write a bunch of stuff, just wanted to let you all know that my weekend was wonderful! Except I had a migraine on Saturday night which lasted until Sunday night, so that sucked. But I feel pretty good now.

Spent the day organizing and cleaning my office, putting stuff into boxes for a yard sale I’ll be having in a few weeks, if the weather is nice anyways. Got quite a bit to sell, and so far I’ve only gone through my office! Still need to go through the other parts of the house and the garage and both porches.

We sold the freezer last night to a guy from Red Wing for $200, so I’ll be sending my mom and dad the money from that. I’m just glad it’s gone, now I get to actually clean the porch off without running into it, and I can buy my new smaller freezer! Woohoo! I’m pretty happy, can ya tell?

Oh yeah, and I got bunches of pics for you all, but that will have to wait until tomorrow maybe, or the next day. When I get around to it. Kayla’s going through a growth spurt right now, so she’s constantly wanting to eat and she’s staying awake for longer and not napping much. I did put her Jumperoo together today, and she sat in it for about 45 minutes just smiling and cooing and bouncing a little. It was so cute! She was so happy and good for me today, I got to clean and stuff while Alexis and Kennedy laughed at her and played with her.

Ahhhh… it’s so quiet now. All the children are asleep, and I can go to bed in an hour once Jason comes and gets Kennedy at 11:30. Of course I’ll probably stay up until midnight more than likely. I’ll prolly read or something for a bit before falling asleep. Oh well. I’m just rambling now. Typed more than I intended to.

K, I’m gonna upload and resize pics right now. If I’m bored enough tonight before bed, I’ll post them. If not, then it’ll be in the next couple days or so. G’Night all!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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April 9, 2007

yea for spring cleaning, I can’t wait till gets nice enough out that I can finish up mine.