Bullets and Pics *HEAVY* *EDIT*

Ok, so I promised you all I would update by today and post lotsa pics. So here goes… Don’t feel like going into much detail, so I will bullet.

  • Went to Mom & Dad’s on Saturday
  • Alexis slept for the last 30-45 minutes of the drive, Kayla slept the entire 2 hours and 15 minutes
  • Dad offered to watch the girls that night for a couple hours so Mom and I could go to the casino
  • I was shocked, speechless
  • Dad, I don’t think, has ever watched a kid under 1 year of age
  • Remember, Kayla’s only 2 months old
  • So yes, I was shocked.
  • Mom and I talked it over, and we decided to go, and left the house around 7:30 pm
  • Went to the casino, had a couple drinks, played the slots, talked, had fun
  • Returned home at 9:00 pm
  • Kayla was asleep, had fallen asleep about a half hour after we left
  • Alexis and Dad were playing a Winnie the Pooh game on the computer
  • Woke Kayla up, fed her, changed her, put Alexis to bed, put Kayla to bed
  • Talked with Mom & Dad for a bit, then went to bed at about 10:30 or so
  • Sunday morning Barb and Sarah (our goddaughter) came over and we spent some time together
  • Sarah and Alexis played, Sarah held Kayla a couple times
  • Mom made a huge honey ham and provolone sandwich for everyone on focaccia bread *homemade!!!* (slice the bread in half, layer ham and cheese, put in oven until cheese melts and ham is hot)
  • YUMMY!
  • She also sent home a loaf of focaccia bread with me, and it’s in my freezer until next week when I use it when I make spaghetti
  • Brought the kitties, Fred and Pepsi, home with me, along with a kitty condo, a litter box, and a whole grocery bag full of toys
  • Pepsi hid on the kitchen chair while Fred checked out the house and decided he likes Alexis’s closet
  • Andy took care of the girls for me while I put everything away, which took about an hour
  • Uhhhh…. anything else I’m forgetting?
  • Oh well, too tired, gonna post pics and go to bed
  • Mom, if you’re reading this, lemme know if I left anything important out, k?

So here are the pics from this weekend. Enjoy!

Mom and girlies

Kayla on Mom and Dad’s bed

Mom & Kayla

Mom’s cat Thor in Kayla’s carseat (silly kitty) (oh yeah, and that pretty yellow and white blankie? Mom made that for Kayla!)

Mom’s cat Callie, also known as Pootie

POOTZILLA!!!! (inside joke, hehehe…)

Alexis being goofy

Dad and Kayla

And here’s one for the record books! My dad’s desk is clean! I can see the wood! His desk is usually covered in papers and everything under the sun. BTW Mom, how long did it stay like that?

Sarah holding Kayla

And the new members of our family:


And Pepsi


Both cats are adjusting well, Pepsi is still pretty skittish and loves to hide most of the day, but Fred is so not. He’s very loving and confident. Alexis harasses him all day long, and he just puts up with it. So cute! K, time for bed. Night!


Okay, comparison time!!! First you will see a pic of Alexis at about 1 1/2 months, then a pic of Kayla at 2 months. Can you say, TWINS?!?!?!?!?!

FREAKY!!! K, night, for real

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 22– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am, Hearing Screening 10:20 am

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March 28, 2007

your girls are so cute!