Problem Solved?

Well guys, I think we’ve got a solution to our shrew problem. Do you remember our family friend Pat that died a little while back? Well, she had two male cats who are 7 years old, and my mom has been keeping them until she found a good home for them together, as Pat never wanted them to be separated. I talked it over with Andy, and we decided that we would take them in. Mom says they are both good mousers, as they have already caught a couple shrews at Mom & Dad’s. Their names are Pepsi and Fred, and I will be going up to Mom & Dad’s this weekend to bring them home with me.

It will be a double bonus, as Mom & Dad will get to see the girls, since they haven’t seen them since Kayla was only 5 days old. I’ll be driving up there midday Saturday and coming home midday Sunday. It will be nice to see Mom & Dad, since we don’t get together often enough, but since it’s a 2 to 2 1/2 hour drive one way, and since they both own their own businesses and work 6-7 days a week, it’s hard to get together.

Other than that, nothing else to report. Just wanted to update you all. I still can’t believe I talked Andy into getting not just one, but two cats. He doesn’t like cats very much, or so he says. I know he’s not totally fond of cats, but he will grow to like them. I use to have a cat Snickers, and he was a VERY whiny cat, always craving attention. Andy hates those kind of cats, but he’d still pet Snickers every once in a while,  and one time we got back together, he admitted that he even missed the cat. To this day he denies it, but I know the truth.

Hopefully this solves our rodent problem, and I will be posting pics of the new members of our little family as soon as I take some this weekend, so probably Sunday or next Monday. For now, it’s time for me to hit the hay, been a long day. Night!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am

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