Hit by a truck

That’s how I feel this morning. I feel like I was hit by a truck. I finally caught what the girls have, and it sucks. It REALLY sucks because now we can’t go up north this weekend for my nephew’s 5th birthday, because I don’t want to get everyone else sick. And I haven’t seen Brayden for a long time and I miss the little pooper! He’s my godson, and I barely ever see him. Of course, they live a few hours away so that might have something to do with it. But still… This blows. My nose is running, my throat hurts something fierce, my whole body aches and I have NO   energy. Ugh, I hate being sick.

We’re in for a huge snowstorm this weekend apparently. I guess we’re suppose to get anywhere from 3-6 inches Friday into Saturday, then there’s a lull, then another 6-10 inches Saturday into Sunday. Ugh… not cool. I hate snowstorms. Hopefully it won’t be like the one we got last March, where we got 16 inches overnight and the power was out and my car was hit by a branch. Remember that? If not, here’s something to refresh your memory

The link to the entry is right HERE

In other news… the girls are doing better and better every day. Most of their coughing is at night now, which sucks, cuz then none of us get a good night’s sleep, so we all take a nice long nap in the early afternoon. I don’t get anything done during that time like I like to, but at least I get some sleep. The nebs seem to be working on loosening up their coughs, so I’m happy about that, and the drops for their eyes are working too. They are less and less goopy every day. YAY!

K, gotta go, I hear Kayla beginning to awaken. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

February 28– Me 6 week check-up at 9:00 am

February 28– Me podiatrist 9:30 am

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am

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I am leaving a note! I am so sorry to hear that you are all sick! I will pray for you all to get better! Take care