
Where to begin??? Uhhhh… From the beginning I suppose LOL

Alexis’ fever went away FINALLY on Friday. It seemed to go away on Thursday, but I took her temp that night before bed and it was about 99.7, so I gave here a little medicine to keep it from spiking. The next morning, no fever. HOORAY!  That was Friday.

Saturday was Kayla’s 1 month birthday! I can’t believe it, she’s a month old already. CRAZY! Wow, she’s getting big too you guys. She actually slept through the night last night. From 9:30-6:00, 8 1/2 hours! It was wonderful… *sighs*

Anywho, Saturday. Andy took Alexis to se his dad in the morning, so it was just me & Kayla here. When Andy got back late morning, it was actually kinda warmish outside, so I bundled Alexis up and strapped Kayla to me and went for a little walk. It felt good to get outside for longer than 5 minutes. To actually WALK was great.
Uncle John, Diane and Missy came over for a few hours, which was nice. We hadn’t seen them since Christmas, and they wanted to see us and the kiddos. That afternoon we dropped Alexis off with Andy’s dad for a few hours so we could go grocery shopping and get my pictures developed. I had about 242 pictures to develop from the past year, and that’s not even all of the pics I took  I only chose the best ones. I think I had over 1000 pics that I took over the past year, so that was only a 1/4 of them.

Sunday we watched the race here at home. I was so disappointed! The way Harvick won was not cool. I so wanted Mark Martin to win the Daytona 500, since he led the most laps, especially toward the end, and has been racing for 23 years and has never won the Daytona 500, and is probably retiring after this season. But the way Harvick sped up and inched his way over the line ahead of Martin in the last lap pissed me off. But the crashes, OMG! I dunno if any of you are Nascar fans, but holy crap, the crashes were incredible! Especially the last 2 of them. The last one was the worst though, the number 07 car slid across the finish line on its roof! Clint Bowyer I believe is who it was. He’s okay though.

Today I’m cleaning and stuff. I’m suppose to have Kennedy this week, but Jason texted me last night and said that Kennedy’s mom won’t let him have her this week. Rar. Oh well, it’s okay. I’ll deal with it.

Oh!!! I got a new vacuum! Sad, I’m so excited about that. I used it to vacuum the living room last night, and it works wonderful! My only complaint is that it’s pretty loud. Oh well, it cleans REALLY well and it has a 3 year warranty! SCORE!

Now for some pics for ya! TTYL

Kayla’s first tub bath at home


My 2 girls


Kayla chillin

Love the look, "Uh, whatcha doin mama?"

Danny’s sister Staci took these pics, love them, the 2nd pic is Emily & Alexis, then Tenille and Kayla


Don’t Be A Lurker…

February 20– Kayla 1 month check-up at 9:00 am

February 28– Me 6 week check-up at 9:00 am


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February 19, 2007

your girls are adorable!

February 19, 2007

love the pics 🙂

February 19, 2007

Awwwe, I looove the pic of Alexis holding Kayla. That is TOO cute! I can’t believe Kayla is a month old already!

February 19, 2007

Sooo cute!!! Yay for pics!

that little footed sleeper that alexis is wearing in the picture called “my 2 girls”…my little one has the exact same one! just thought id share. glad to hear Alexis’ fever has gone down. And that little Kayla is a baby doll.

February 19, 2007

They are so adorable! Kayla and her little belly! 🙂 And Alexis is on her way to being a heartbreaker. Better watch out mama!