3 Weeks

My baby is 3 weeks old today! It’s crazy guys, I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already, in another week and 3 days she’ll be a month old! Yikes! At times it seems like time is going by so slow (lack of sleep I believe), but other times I just wonder where the days have gone…

So an update on my girlies. Well, Kayla is doing so well with her sleeping. She’s only waking up once in the night (I know, I’m so lucky! ) to eat, usually she’ll go to bed around 10:00 pm and wake up around 2:00 am to eat, then it’s back to sleep until about 7:00 am. It’s so nice! She’s getting so big, or maybe it just seems like she is because she is finally letting her limbs stretch out instead of keeping them curled up all the time. Oh well, she’s still a big girl, but a cute one! She’s just so long, it’s amazing. I need to take some pics and show ya’ll what I mean.

She is also moving her head a lot more and holding it up more often. She hates tummy time though, but hey, so did Alexis. We’ll deal with it. She loves her pacifier, she’s just a sucker baby. She doesn’t depend on it though, she just likes it half the time. Otherwise she spits it out and gives me a funny face. She tried to give me a chin hickey earlier today. It’s was not amusing to me, I was slobbered on majorly. Ah, the joys of parenthood. She is also still pretty cough-y, but it’s nice and loose, which is good.

Alexis is adjusting better now. She is still a little sick though, so she’s kinda cranky. She’s getting much better every day, which is a good thing. She’s talking to Kayla more and trying to help me take care of her more, which is actually more of a hassle for me. Oh well, at least Alexis is trying to bond with her little sister. She’s throwing less tantrums to get our attention. Oh yeah! And she also says you’re welcome now, but it comes out more like "oo gummin", but it’s cute!

Anywho… Kayla’s asleep in the bouncer, so I think I’m going to move her to her bassinett upstairs so that when Jason comes to pick up Kennedy in a half hour, all I have to do is walk up to bed and fall asleep. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

February 20– Kayla 1 month check-up at 9:00 am

February 28– Me 6 week check-up at 9:00 am


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February 7, 2007

I went back and read through the birth story and all of her pictures. She is so adorable!

February 7, 2007
February 7, 2007

Harper hates tummy time, too. Which is kinda funny because she hates sleeping on her back. LOL I can’t believe how the time is flying. She’s almost a month old! 🙂 Great job, Kayla, with the sleep! xoxo

February 8, 2007

It goes really fast. I swear it seems like yesterday I was pushing mine out.

February 8, 2007

You have yourself a GOOD sleeper! Lucky you!! I had a couple of those myself. LOL

February 8, 2007

My guy will be three weeks old on Monday! The time is just flying by! I’m incredibly jealous of her only waking up once a night to feed… *sigh* Cameron wakes up every two hours just about! I think I’m going insane from the lack of sleep.

February 8, 2007
February 8, 2007

You are very lucky that she sleeps so well 🙂 I hope Natalie does too.