2 Week Check-up

Kayla and I had our 2 week check-up this morning. My baby is getting so big! She’s already 9 lbs 10 oz and 22 inches long! That means that she gained over a pound and grew an inch in the past 2 weeks. WOW! It’s not a surprise though, which as much as she eats. What a piggy! Everything looks good the doctot says, and he’ll see us in 2 weeks at her 1 month check-up.

I was weighed also, and get ready for this guys… I lost 30 lbs! Wow! My ending weight was 200 lbs (eek!), and when I was weighed today, I’m down to 170. I am shocked, seeing as how I only gained 12 lbs with Kayla, and started at 188. But then again, with Alexis, I gained 30 lbs, lost it all by 2 weeks, and then gained 20 back two weeks later. Hopefully that doesn’t happen this time. I’m still in shock though! Happy, but shocked.

On the breast front, I haven’t pumped in over 24 hours. Since about 8:00 yesterday morning. My boobs are a little tender, but still soft. Today is Kayla’s first full formula day. Yesterday she had mainly formula, but one feeding had 3 oz. of breastmilk in it. So today is total formula.

No other news, but I do have a few pics to share of my kiddos and one of my new belly, or lack-thereof. Enjoy!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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January 31, 2007

*random noter* Cute pics! Way to go on dropping the weight 🙂

January 31, 2007

30 pounds…wow! Go you!!!

i dropped 30 pounds off the bat too! What a great feeling! Way to go. And the kiddies are beautiful!

The kiddos are gorgeous! and way to go on losing the weight!

January 31, 2007

you look awesome! the babies are, of course, beautiful 🙂

January 31, 2007

Yay for losing 30 pounds! And yay for cute daughters!!

January 31, 2007

ryn: I was just thinking to myself that I should type it up in Microsoft Word first, and then I came here and read your note! Too funny! Great mommy minds think alike I guess. I think I’ve lost weight too but they never weighed me at the hospital after I gave birth so I don’t know how much for sure. Maybe I’ll ask to be weighed when I take Cameron in for his two week appointment next week. 😉

January 31, 2007

I can’t wait to drop the weight either and more then what the baby brings! 🙂

February 1, 2007

It’s been two weeks already???? Wow time does fly. Glad to see everyone is doing so well!!

February 1, 2007

Wow girlfriend! You totally rock!!!! And I’m sooo glad you post lots of pics. I absolutely love watching the kids grow. 🙂 xoxoxox

February 1, 2007

I found you on the OD main page, I hope you don’t mind but I added you to my faves. Your daughters are just adorable.