1 Week


Wow, Kayla is 1 week and 1 day old already! That week flew by fast, even thought it didn’t seem like it at the time. I found some time to actually write a real entry, as Alexis is watching Elmo and Kayla is napping at the moment. So I thought I’d pop on and update ya’ll on how we’re all doing.


She’s doing pretty good sleeping during the night, which is really nice. She’ll sleep for about  2-3 hours, then wake up and eat, then sleep for 4 hours, wake up and eat, then sleep for another hour or so. She still sleeps a lot during the day, but that’s okay, she’s a newborn! I forgot how much they sleep. Wish I could sleep that much!

She is holding her head up for a while already, which is exactly what Alexis did at her age. Her cord hasn’t fallen off yet, but I think it will within the next few days. She will stay awake for as long as an hour straight, just staring at everything! She likes the glow from the TV, so I sit her in her bouncer while I pump and she just stares at the TV.

Yes, I’m pumping right now. BFing was going really good, until my milk came in. She would latch just fine, no problem with that this time. It’s the fact that she’d want to snack for a few minutes then fall asleep, and nothing I would do would wake her up. I would feel no relief and my breasts would be hard and heavy as rocks. So I decided to pump and bottle for a while, then switch to formula. I just don’t have the time, energy or patience to pump and bottle with a 2 year old running around and a newborn. I don’t feel bad about it, because she is getting the first couple of weeks of nutrition that are the most important, and I did the same thing with Alexis, and she’s just fine.


Now this one is a little different. She knows that Kayla is her baby sister, and she’s being pretty good about it. EXCEPT, she is not use to sharing Mommy & Daddy’s attention so she’s acting out. It’s very exhausting. She’s throwing fits and tantrums (which I know is also part of her age) ALL THE TIME over the stupidest little things. Naughty things she hasn’t done in quite a while have suddenly surfaced again, and she’s trying our patience. We’ve been trying to give her our undivided attention while Kayla is sleeping, and it seems to help a little bit, but she’s still acting out. I know I have to just put up with it and it should pass, but it’s exhausting. Rar.


He is still in awe over this little life we have created. He isn’t as scared of her as he was of Alexis, which is good. He loves just looking at her and laughing at the many faces she makes, especially when she sticks her tongue out at him. It’s so cute.


Hrmmm… Can we say Baby Blues? I hate this part of post-partum. I got the baby  blues with Alexis really bad, and this time seems no different. Once a day, I will find myself just bawling because Alexis is being really naughty and won’t stop, or just because there are not enough hours in the day, and my sleep hasn’t been very good either, which is to be expected with a newborn.

I am a little bummed about the bfing, but that’s okay, as I said above, I don’t feel bad about it. It’s a personal choice to switch to formula, and for my family, it was the best choice all around.

My mom and dad stopped down this past Sunday for a couple hours, which was wonderful! They also brought like, 6 packs of diapers (56 count)! Wow, so nice! They were in awe of Kayla, and loved spending time with Alexis. It sucked that they drove 2 hours here and were only able to spend 2 hours here before they had to leave. But we’re planning on going up there for my nephew’s birthday the end of next month, so that’s okay.

Oop, Kayla’s waking up so I gotta go. TTYL!


Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 31– Kayla 2 weeks checkup at 9:00 am

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January 25, 2007

I wouldn’t have the energy to pump while chasing a two year old either!! As long as they eat, that’s the most important thing.

January 25, 2007

girl I dont know how you do it with a newborn AND a 2 year old! I remember De! I got the baby blues bad, too. I’d pump & cry cause I was so tired but my breasts would hurt so bad. Just remember when you get upset that your exhausted. Its the tiredness that got to me worst *HUGS*

January 25, 2007

I hope the baby blues pass soon…*hugs* I can’t imagine how crazy it must be with a 2 year old and a newborn….got this to look forward to I guess, lol! Holding her head up already?! WOW! xxx

January 25, 2007

Awwwwwww! Congratulations! No matter HOW Much attention you give alexis, she is going to act out. Hayden still does sometimes. It’s just normal and if you can get yourself to the point where you can ignore it, do that a lot…because once she sees there is no attention in it, it slows down (It may stop, but they usually still do it some *lol*) I’m sorry you have baby blues :(::hugs:: I hope you get some real rest soon!! !:-)

January 26, 2007

yeah, they say that things do resurface when a new baby comes to join the family

January 26, 2007

It gets really hard when the oldest starts acting out plus you have a newborn. Gosh, not sure I even wanna think about it.

February 6, 2007

awww, don’t you worry, those blues will hopefully dissapear soon.you do sound happy though with you’re little princess’. Alexis sounds like Ethan lately with the fit. for all our sakes i really hope that stops soon. i want to get a high quality pump. and start again for Ava. i still have a few drops left in me and am sure Ill refill once i get going. do you love and would you recomend your pump?