2 Days Overdue

Stubborn baby. Although, if ya think about it, today was my original due date, according to my last period. So maybe I’m not late at all? Who knows. I guess we’ll just wait and see what happens now.

I tried EVERYTHING yesterday to get labor started. Pineapple, spicy food, walking lots, marching up and down the stairs, doing squats, warm bath, having sex, nipple stimulation, etc… NOTHING WORKED!!!!! Argh. Stubborn child. Speaking of child, Heather is dropping the natural disaster (aka Alexis) back off sometime this morning. Maybe chasing her around the house will trigger something. Hrmmm… It’s a thought.

We got some snow last night. About 3 inches. Other than the couple inches of crap we got on New Year’s Eve that melted 2 days later, this is the first snowfall we’ve gotten that has stuck. And this is Wisconsin! Crazy…

Well, I’m gonna go take a shower and do a load of laundry before the tornado gets home. If anything happens, you’ll be updated by either me, my mom, or Andrea. Neither of them have OD, so If you see a funny entry, it’s one they typed. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 18– OB check-up 8:45 am

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January 15, 2007

**LABOR VIBES** Did you try the jumping jacks? LOL Mel

January 15, 2007

Random Reader: Hope you have your baby soon. Good Luck.

January 15, 2007

You poor thing!!! Hang in there. She’ll make her debut when she is good and ready. I went two weeks overdue with Tate! ICK!

January 15, 2007

I hope you get that little one out of you soon!

January 15, 2007

I sure hope you go into labor soon. I wanna see that baby! I also hope we DON’T get snow for a while. I’m not too fond of the white stuff. Grrr…or should I say BRRRRR…:)

January 15, 2007

you need a large scare..who knows how you will get that… my ex backed up into our front porch with a van…i was in the van..it scared the heck out of me…and in just a few hours i was in full labor.

January 15, 2007