Come on Baby!

Time to come out! I’m getting very frustrated here. I went to Wal-Mart today to go grocery shopping, and ended up being there for 2 hours almost! Just walking waddling around and looking at everything before I got my groceries. I am SO ready for this kiddo to be born. Hopefully sometime this weekend would be nice! Alexis is with Heather this weekend, so I don’t have to worry about her if I go into labor before Monday, which is nice.

I’m glad I did the grocery shopping now, just in case I DO go this weekend, that way there is food here for a few weeks before I have to get groceries again. I also did the dishes today (my sink was full again), so that’s done, and we probably won’t use a lot of dishes this weekend with Alexis gone. I did another load of laundry, that way my clothes are clean and I can take what I want to the hospital. My bag is halfway packed, except for the items I use every day, like my deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, hairbrush, etc… Basically, everything is all ready.

I’m going to jump Andy again tonight, and hopefully that will start something! It’s way cold out (like, 5 degrees, plus, if you factor in the wind chill it’s about -10), otherwise I’d go for a nice long walk. Maybe I’ll just walk up and down the stairs for a bit instead. I dunno. Nothing wants to work! ARGH!

Anywho, gonna get off the comp. Oh yeah, and thanks for the nice notes on my previous entry everyone! Except for the first noter (coward!), you’re all sweethearts! I miss Mark a lot, but I don’t let it ruin my life. He was a very good friend, and we were really close. It just hurts sometime, especially since he was so young. He’ll always be in my heart, and with us all.

Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 18– OB check-up 8:45 am

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January 12, 2007

random noter I hope you pop soon…I couldn’t imagine why those things arn’t working…try garlic… good luck!

January 12, 2007

I hope you have a nice delivery-if there is such a thing. With my oldest child I was 15 days overdue and my dad took me out fishing in a boat and at 10 pm that night my labor started. The small waves must have done it. Thank you Dad

January 12, 2007

hope baby comes soon!

January 12, 2007

*sends you labor vibes* Hope you go this weekend! Good luck!

January 13, 2007

I bet it’s so uncomfortable to be ready “to pop!” I hope you get to meet the bebe soon. 🙂