39 Weeks Pics

Well, technically, 38w6d pics, but oh well. What’s a day early? 🙂


Can you tell how uncomfortable I am? I look and feel like crap. I slept like a log last night, waking up only once, around 3:00 am I think. Or did I dream that? Eh, who knows. Baby’s been a little calmer, not as many twisties and turnies, which makes me a little happier. She must be resting up for the big event.

I was so tired yesterday, just exhausted, and I didn’t even do anything. Today, it’s all about getting stuff ready. I’m washing our bedding right now (I do it every 2-3 weeks), that way it’s clean and I don’t have to worry about it for a little while. I just need to Febreeze the bed and pillows before I put it back on. Oh wait! I did do something yesterday, besides go to the doctor. When Alexis went down for a nap, and Andy was sleeping, I went for a short walk, then I went through the baby’s clothes and got them all set out and picked out a couple of coming home outfits for her. Other than that and the doc’s, I didn’t do a darn thing.

Had a contraction last night. Yep, you read it right. A SINGLE contraction. That was it. Grr… Had some mucousy discharge too, but it wasn’t a lot, and I know it was from the exam. Gonna maybe have sex tonight to see if we can get anything going, I’d like to go this weekend. It would be really nice. Plus, it’s been a couple weeks, and if we DON’T have sex, we prolly won’t until 6 weeks after she’s born, which means a total of about 8-9 weeks without sex! ARGH! The longest we’ve gone is 5 weeks, and that was when Alexis was born. Getting a little worked up here. Anxious to have sex and to have the baby, may have to jump hubby when he walks through the door later .

Anywho, just thought you’d like to see the pics and I was bored so I decided to write. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 11– OB check-up 9:45 am

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AWWWW!!!!!!! how exciting! what a cute belly! Wishing you the best with labor and delivery! 🙂 That sweet baby needs to make her way out of there! Take care! ~Ashley~

January 5, 2007

Love the pictures… they are great 🙂

January 5, 2007

Ohhh random noter! Hope you get that goin soon! Good luck with jumpin the hubs! 😀

January 5, 2007

Oh LOOK at that beautiful, perfect belly 🙂 You look gorgeous!! RYN: I know childbirth isn’t gross. I just meant who wants to see MY naked butt on the net. LOL xoxo

January 5, 2007

your so evil… i’ve been asking my hubby daily for sex…(only ya know to get labor started) i get it when i can… (i dont blame him thought considering he has that huge scar down his belly…and some days he feels better than other.) lets wish each other labor vibes…

January 5, 2007

I remember this time in my pregnancy with De. I would go from being super exhausted to frantically trying to get things done to super exhausted. Funny..those cycles havent stopped now that he is 10 months old! LMAO!

Wow, that’s quite a belly! You look great. I’ve been reading recently and just added you to my list. Can’t wait to see that pretty baby girl. I have 3 baby girls myself, although none of them are babies anymore, but it’s so wonderful to have a house full of girlies. I love it, you will too! Best of luck with labor and delivery.

January 5, 2007

You look great!