Waiting Game

And now we play the waiting game. Fun.

Had my doctor’s appointment this morning. Just got home a little bit ago and called my mom to let her know what was going on. Now I am here. My doctor says I can go at any time. I’m measuring full term (just about 40 cm), my cervix is VERY soft, and I’m about 1 1/2 cm dialated, and she’s head-down. When he was examining me, man, it hurt. A good sign I guess. My back’s been nagging at me the past couple days, I’ve had more discharge, and more BH contractions. So he says with all of that combined, I could have her anytime. So now I wait.

I got my horoscopes in my email this morning, and I thought I would share them with you.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope:

Dear Nichole,
Here is your horoscope
for Thursday, January 4:

Give your plans just a little more time to gestate. It’s like letting a piece of fruit ripen — once you bite into something green and sour, it’ll stay that way for good. Time has to do its work first.

Couples Daily Romantic Horoscope (Capricorn):

Dear Nichole,
Here is your couple’s love horoscope
for Thursday, January 4:

You’ll be restless today but should try to reassure your partner that it’s not about them. Sometimes your energy is just a little out of sync with the rest of the world, and you need to settle down.

Now, are those signs or what? The first one makes me mad. But the second one is dead on.

Crabby sick baby, gotta go. Send labor vibes my way guys!!!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 11– OB check-up 9:45 am

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Congrats on your new baby! I found you from the front page! My husband and I have a 7 month old!! he is our world! Good luck and hope things go well! Feel free to stop on by, i am on favs only but love adding new favs!

January 4, 2007

Eeeep! Soon, very soon!!!! 😀

January 4, 2007

ooooh, good luck!!

January 4, 2007

i think i like your doc better than mine i want to drop this baby….

January 4, 2007


January 4, 2007

hope baby comes soon!

January 5, 2007

ha ha… its funny what habits people have… (i think mine is cause i hate wasting toilet paper.