My baby girl turns 1 and mothers day

I can’t believe it my baby girl turned 1 Saaturday. It seems like just yesterday i was giving birth to her. All 3 of us have grown and changed so much this past year. We had Kayleys birthday party saturday and everyone had a blast. Her nana, pop pop, grandfather byrd, and aunt Kat came from mississippi for her party. It was a carnival themed party and we had lots of booths all of the kids went home with their bags filled to a brim. Kayley had a blast she was running around keeping right up with all of the older kids. Her daddy dressed up as a clown and made balloon animals for the kids. He sat down with us to help her open her presents but poor kayley got scared when he held her we had to wait for him to go change out of his clown suit. She got tons of cute clothes ad fun toys. All in all i think everyone had a blast even the parents.

She had her 1 year check up today she weighs 21 pounds 10 ounces (60% on the curve) and she is 21 1/4 inches tall (15% on the curve). So short and big boned just like her mommy and daddy.

Sunday was my second mothers day. Last year I spent my first mothers day in the hospital trying to figure out how to take care of my beautiful 2 day old little girl. It was nice not to spend it in the hospital this year. My parents and best friend were still in town from Kayleys birthday so we went to the little beach on the lake here but we couldnt stay there was way too much trash from contraband days. Kayley got in the wter for a few minutes but we were afraid she would get into the countless syringes from jello shot or the glass that was everywhere. We ended up leaveing and haveing a picnic at a park down on the lake. After we ate we let kayley play at the free little water park they had there she loved it. Our campany left around 12 and kayley took her nap after she woke we picked up a family pool, some steaks and some wine coolers and cooked out and relaxed in the pool and just chilled the rest of the day it was nice. Even though i had to keep getting up to run after Kayley it was still nice. O yeah Kayley and matt gave me a pretty boquet of mixed flowers and 2 orange hibiscus bushes. It was a great day and i am so glad i got to spend it with the 2 people i love the most. I will try to get pics of her party up soon there are some cute ones.

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