
We just got home from running from ike. Thankfully our house wasn’t flooded and the house is fine. The back yard is full of big limbs and there is a tree down (it fell the only way it could without hurting the fence house or swingset) and we lost all the food we had in the fridge and freezer. We had just bought $300 worth of food cause we lost all the food because of gustav and we had just bought monthly groceries before gustav. We had to buy monthly groceries twice and lost them both there is no way we can afford to buy more. We are hoping that fema or our insurance will help with the food because if not then we will have no food. Matt has been out of a job since friday and will be until wednesday or thursday or maybe longer. The casino was damaged so we will not have an income till they get the all clear and are allowed back to work. That is over 500 dollars we are out. I know we are lucky we still have a home i know many that lost everything in fact tomorrow i am souopsed to go help a friend salvage what we can from his house he lost almost everything in the first floor of his house cause he had 3 feet of water in it. but still we couldn’t afford to loose what we did. Thankfully the friend whose house flooded still has a job. That would be even more devistating to loose both. I have to work in a few hours so i am off to sleep in my own bed for the first time since thursday morning.

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