the birth story

well as promised here is the birth story. Went to the hospital at 4: 30 pm wednesday the 8th to be induced because of a potentiol problem they saw on a us i had earlier that day. My doc thought it was safest for both me and the baby to go ahead and get her out. after 30 minutes of people haveing no clue what they were doing we were finally sent to labor and delivery where we had to wait again cause they didn’t have my room ready yet. finally about 6 we got in the room and they gave me this pill to start contractions. I felt small ones start right away and as the night went on it slowly progressed. Some time in the night my husband was snoreing so badly that i had to just send him home so i could get a little bit of rest i knew i would need all my strength for the next day. As the night went on the contractions continued to get worse and it made it hard to really get comfortable in bed. they gave me another pill twice that night then at 6:30 they checked me and i was only dialated 1cm. They started the pitocen drop and the contractions became much worse. Matt got there right after they started the drip. At 9:30 my doc got there and checked me. I was still the same. He broke my water and lets just say that hurt like heck. At this point i was in tears from the pain and they refused to give me anything said i could have an eppadural when i was 4 cm. The contractions got worse and worse it was so uncomfortable being stuck in that bed i said i had to pee a lot just so i could get out and walk around. The nurse also felt sorry for me so she unhooked me and let me walk around the room as long as i promised to not tell my doc. at 2 i was begging for medicane and they checked me again hopeing i was close to 4 cm or even 3 at this point so they could do something about the pain cause i was haveing some very strong contractions but i was only at 2 cm. The doc came in and said they were gonna give me the eppadural and that since i wasn’t progressing he could let me go for another 5 hours in hopes of delivering vaginally but since i was progressing so slowely he didn’t feel like there would be any change and i would have to have a c-section or we could just go ahead and have the c-section. I decided i might as well just go ahead and have it. They finally gave me a spinal and as soon as he did that the pain was gone. Was nice to not be able to feel anything after the pain for so long. at 2:54 Kayley was born. They brought her to me and i got to kiss her but i hated i couldn’t hold her. it wasn’t till about 3 hours or so after she was born when i acutually got to hold my daughter for the first time. so about 20 hours of contractions and a c-section and Kayley was finally brought into the world. hopefully next time i can have a vaginal delivery.

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May 17, 2008


May 17, 2008

Congrats on your new little one!

It doesn’t sound like your ideal birth, but you did what you had to do. There are many successful VBAC stories out there, so hopefully next time you can go that route! Thanks for sharing your birth story! Congrats on the arrival of Kayley!

May 17, 2008


May 18, 2008

congrats on your baby girl