She is comeing!!!!!!!

Went in for yet another ultrasound today. Had problems getting her to wake up to get decent breathing readings or something like that happened last time also but we were finally able to get some last time not this time. They also want me to deliver between 39 and 40 weeks because of gestational diabeties and we are just into 39. Saw the doc right after the ultrasound and when he came in after checking me he said "So you wanna have a baby tomorrow?" took me a sec then i was like sure. They are gonna induce me the breathing thing kinda bothers us. I am to be at the hospital at 4:30 today and tehy will start me on some pill to try and dialate me then at 6 in the morn they will start me on a drip and hopefully we will be able to have her vaginally and not have to resort to a c-section. Ever since i found out i was pregnant i knew she was gonna be born on may 9th and i knew she was a girl. I’m sooo excited tomorrow i get to have my little girl in my arms. I can’t wait.

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May 8, 2008

Yah!! Good luck girl!

Awwuh.. so exciting! I hope everything works out well, good luck! 😀

May 8, 2008

OMG! How exciting! I am so happy for you, you get to finally hold her very soon…

May 8, 2008

Thats wonderful– I wanna see pics when you are up and running again! I wish ya the best of luck, hope you have a easy labor!

So is she here??!