6 more weeks

Wow i can’t believe she is due in about 6 weeks. I can’t wait to meet my little girl face to face. I’ve been getting a bit freaked out lately everywhere i turn someone is haveing a baby early. I’m scared Kayley will come early and we aren’t ready. I keep pushing my hubby to let me get the few things we still need but he says we still have plenty of time. Am i so wrong to want to just be ready just in case? I know she prob won’t be early but as i always say better safe then sorry. Matt’s family agreed on a date for my baby shower that is if my doc will even let me travel then. We are souposued to be going to mississippi April 12-14 as long as my doc lets me so maybe i will get some of the things we still need then. I’m hopeing that matt’s parents get us the stroller and car seat we want it’s the only big thing we still need. When they asked me what we needed that is what i told them so hopefully they will if not then at least matt knows which one in case he has to pick it up last minute. I have had tons of people asking me what we still need and where we are registered so because i’m sick of answering this question a million times we are registered at wal-mart and it can be found under jenny byrd or matthew byrd in Lake Charles La. Whoops almost time for the kids to get here i still have to clean teh living room before they get here.

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April 1, 2008

Aw, congrats! Hope all goes well for the upcoming arrival!

April 1, 2008

can’t beleive that it is so close

Hey I was just OD surfing and came across your diary. Judging from your ticker, you are due 1 day before I am! Congrats on your little girl. I’m having a girl too 🙂

RYN: Yes I started getting BH contractions around 24-25 weeks. I only get them when I’m overdoing it. I actually had to stop exercising because I would get several of them right in a row while being active. Have you been getting them? They always catch me by surprise, though they never hurt.