out of town

Sorry i haven’t been around the past few days. I have just caught up on everyones diarys but haven’t had the strength to leave comments yet. Tuesday we got a call that matts great grandmother had passed away. So once the kids were picked up and we picked up some things from town we packed and started the 5-6 hour drive to mississippi. Matt got really tired about 10:30 and since we still had 3 hours or so to go we just stopped off and got a room for the night. We weren’t taking any chances of him falling asleep or us getting in a wreck not with our precious cargo in my tummy. we finally got to his grandparents house about 11:30 or so. Things pretty much went nonstop from there with the visitation that night and then the funeral and all thursday. Every night i was worn out and feeling horrible we ended up going to bed at 8 one night and 7:30 last night. o yeah and that hotel we stayed at was ok i think i got maybe 2 hours of sleep the whole time. I forgot my sound machine and my ear plugs so matthews snoreing kept me up most of the night and it didn’t help that the bed was much harder then i’m use to and i had horrible heart burn. you gotta love that all the bad things i dealt with in my 1st trimester are now back since i have reached my 3rd one. We just got home and i have tons of stuff to do and i’m so freaking worn out i’m gonna keep this kinda short.

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