Life and Gestational Diabeties

There has been tons going on lately I have started watching to kids ages 1 and 3 they are very well behaved but i’m finding it’s takeing a lot out of me. I got paid yesterday so that was great first time i’ve really been able to help out much since i got married. It was only $80 dollers but when you have been out of work for almost 4 years that is a lot. It’s nice to feel like i have a purpose again other then housekeeper and haveing to keep up with everyone stuff. Though in the 2 days i have kept them i have noticed it’s wearing me out each day once they leave and i have cooked dinner and all i’m exhausted and i normally still have dishes and laundry to do but the wierd part is i think i prefer it to just keeping house and hey the more i’m worn out the more i can trick myself to sleeping even if Kayley doesn’t want me to.

My Hubby cracks me up he has been out of work since right after christmas and has just started back at a new job well he hasn’t even really started yet just orentation and one day of training. He started training yesterday and worked 9am till like 11 am he had a tiny bit of running to do but was home by like 2 and when he gets home he starts playing a game I ask him to keep an eye on the kids for me while i start dinner. His response was i worked toady i’m tired. Well i started working the kids got there at 8 that morning but not to mention i was busy cooking breakfest and doing other things that needed to be done around the house since 7 and the kids weren’t soupoused to be picked up till 6 and i still had to cook dinner and do dishes and laundry and try to straighten up the house. But no he worked a few hours so he is tired and i should be able to do it all on my own. i ended up working for 10 hours and then doing the cooking and all the housework and all that needed to be done while he sat on his ass playing a game. then he expects me to just take the few minutes i have to myslef and use them helping him on that game and i had no reason to be so tired and not too cause he was able to do it and he worked that day also. His logic of things just cracks me up some times.

ok sorry about the rant on to pregnancy update. I am now 25 weeks. I had my first glcouse test the other day and it came back abnormal. I had to go in for a longer one after that and i was informed wednesday that it came back abnormal also and my doc wanted me to come back in friday for an appointment. I Don’t have gestational diabeties yet i have right under it but since i still have the whole thrid trimester to go through he think that i will prob get it so we are gonna treat it now. I have to get on a special diet and have got to start testing my blood sugar 4 times a day. O Joy. It sucks cause i can’t have chocolate and there are tons of food you have to watch that you wouldn’t even think about like ketchup and spegettie sauce. This really sucks cause i can’t have chocolate chip cookies or orange juice and my main craveing has been chocolate chip cookies duncked in orange juice. I have to call that dietition and make a appointment with her and a diabeties teacher so another doc appointment and i still have to keep my original appointment on feb 11 with my obgyn so he can see my blood sugar counts readings. I am so sick of freking tests and appointments i have been to the doc or in for a test al least once a week since i found out i was pregnant except for the one month i was out of town. Thank goodness for insurance and that is another thing my inusrrance ended yesterday but luckly we got new insurance that started today. That would have sucked if my new insurance wouldn’t have started already. Other then that though me and the Kayley are doing great i have just about finished her nursery I had to get it done so the kids i watch have a place to play. I haven’t had many problems with the socitia (or whatever it was) lately so that is good its nice to be able to walk again.

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