Ordinary Madness


Blood stains…
but not for as long
as you may think.
When it leaks from you or a loved one
you feel a moment
of intense clarity.
You feel like a part of you has broken off
and lodged itself
in that moment forever.
You think you will never forget….
but you do…
 Almost as fast as the rain washes it from the pavement.

Unless of course,
its someone you hate…
I am not sure why,
but their blood last forever
On the earth and in your mind.

I have watched it drip
and squirt.
For many reasons.
All of them justified by someone.

The reflections of Love,
or freedom
Can be found in thick crimson pools
Look into them
They will teach you
That terrorist is just what
The big army calls the small army….
And finally-
             have it

It’s okay to be afraid.
You can even scream
if you want to.
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ine; “>Fear is the scream of respect.
It’s only natural and they will understand
Just stop after a while
or else it is 

that all any of this is really…
Organized Madness,
That has become so painfully…

So be careful
and whatever you do,
don’t read this out loud.
Only the strong,
the prosperous,
and the armed
get to decide who’s mad.
and why….

Remember this 
when they are
deciding what to call you

is the only real currency.
and if anyone tells you different,
They’re bleeding you.
So get up
go to the store
and buy all the bandages you can get your hands on
take them home
and wrap yourself up in them
like a mummy 
leaving only a hole
for air and booze
now sit patiently in the corner
of a room with no windows
and wait for
my call.




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