Worst day in awhile….

I jsut deleted over 10,000 files on my computer on accident… not necessarily important ones… but important to me. I deleted my kazaa shared files. All of them. Some of them were very hard to find. I think I’m going to be sick… Jenn had me downloading a few songs for her while she was at work to. I tried doign a system recovery… but my system doesn’t think it needs to set up checkpoints in case I want to do that… last one was in october. So I am pretty upset about that. I think I’m gunna go to bed early and wait for Jenn… I have been trying to fix it for abotu an hour now and I didn’t do all the dishes liek I said… I miss all my kenshin videos! AHHH! G’nite all… maybe I will talk to you all tomorrow!

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aww i’m sorry to hear that. I hate when stuff like that happens. I made a new entry too. Talk to you soon hopefully