Un otro survey


Been so drunk you blacked out? No, and I never will.

Been hurt emotionally? yeppers

Kept a secret from everyone? A singel secret? no, I keep many

Had an imaginary friend? Casper lived in my bathroom and talked to me whenever I was bored. Well I talked to him

Had a crush on a teacher? kinda… she was pretty… but it wasn’t a crush

Had a New Kids on the Block tape? No

Been on stage? couple times


Shampoo? Head and shoulders

Summer/winter? Summer… winter babies are wussies 😛

Cartoon character? Wolverine duh

Fave Food? Pizza

Fave movies? Good Will Hunting and Braveheart… and I guess my fav series is now X-men

Fave ice cream? There is only one kind of ice cream…. cookies and cream!

Fave ‘normal’ drink? You gotta dew the dew baby

Fave person to talk to online? My baby! Other than her I’d say my VampsInc peeps… I love talking about storylines… and we can just goof off and still have fun…


Wearing? camoflauge utilities… minus the blouse… hehe

Drinking? nada

Thinking about? Going home… and how much I miss it… and about the bastards that stole my stuff… that makes me mad

What are you listening to? Linkin Park Meteora

Talking to? LCpl Coker… this chick I work with… she want’s to check her email… but this is my domain right now!

-IN THE LAST 24 (48-72) HOURS-

Cried? No

Worn a skirt? No, and never will!

Met someone new? it’s kinda hard on a boat in the middle of the ocean

Cleaned your room? does that include the berthing? If so yea we spent 3 hours scrubing walls and floors. If you mean MY room… not in 6 months buddy

Done laundry? 2 nights ago

Driven a car? 6 months… although I drove a forklift 3 months ago


Yourself? Who doesn’t?

Your friends? Some of them.

Tooth Fairy? Wait a minute… are ALL these people fictional? I’m worried… I may not even exsist!

Destiny/fate? Sometimes

Angels? Yes

Ghosts? yep

UFO’s? well… my mom saw one… but I dunno… I only got an earache!


Do you fancy someone? yessum

Are you single right now? nopers

Who have you known the LONGEST of your friends? Umm… that’s hard… I’d say Binh

Who’s the shyest? Binh

Who do you go to for advice? No one… I give out the advice

Who do you cry to? me

What’s the best feeling in the world? Knowing someone loves you as much as you love them, not thinking, KNOWING

What is the worst feeling in the world? The thought of losing everyone you care about

Person you miss the most at this moment? Jennifer and my lil sis Chenoa

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cool survey

HEY DONOVAN!!!! 🙂 we broke up because he had no reason he said then i found out bout some other girl, we’re suppose to be friends now but he keeps hurting me but its kay cuz i like sum1 round here better 😡 his name is greg 🙂 he’s cool but i duno if he knows i like him, he gave me his # and aim name tho 🙂 glad ur safe now *hugs* my email is chellii_____@hotmail.com email me so i have ur addy

today is my last day of school, 9:30am-11am pretty sweet huh? i am so happie, i am glad that u wrote back Muah!!!!! kisses tons of em, but not on the lips 😉 cuz i know u have a girl, on da cheek sillie, *hugs* just glad ur doing okay and ur not over there fighting ne moreeeeeeee

Ryn: im not that far from there im about 4hrs…im at ft.meade,md *chuckels* until oct. sure *hugs*-steph

Ryn: here i can’t use yahoo messenger…the only way i talk to most pple here email or phone calls. *hugs* -steph

glad 2 here things are going okay for u….

Hey sweetie.. -hugs and kisses-… thought i;d say hi.. even though Im already talking to you.. lol chelly

hey love, just wanted to say i love you and i miss you – chellie 🙂

mwahahahaha ^_^ PING!!! ~*Sarina*~