Friday the 13th…
I FINALLY just realized tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I’m supposed to have a half day from me being on duty today… I’m beginning to have second thoughts… lol Anywho… I have a lot to do tomorrow. I need to call Rhoda (my exgirlfriend type) about my transportation to… get this… HOME! Finally some time home. I miss my sister tremendously. I haven’t gotten any Christmas presents yet… frankly due to the fact that I don’t know what to buy my siblings. Both my parents moved… so I now know where neither of them live… so I have to find that out tomorrow. I need to call a few other people tomorrow to, tell them goodbye, make other plans, let them know I’m coming home. Sadly to say none of these people mean much of anything to me. I’m growing cold inside… especially towards people I once loved. There are 2 people I currently love… and of those only 1 I’m sure I will not lose (my sister). I am pissing everyone off lately… and I don’t know why… I know I am doing it… but I can’t stop. I’m telling everyone all of their flaws and everything… and it is hurting me quite a bit. I’m losing my mind. I swear. I mena… I did write 2 entries today… sheesh! Well… I’m going to leave it at that… as I do need to finish up a ew things before bed. 🙂
P.S. Whoever heard of a booby trap? I bet they really hurt your boobies!
~covers breast~ lol, anyways on a serious note im sure your sister misses you too, have a happy holiday, dont worry about feeling that way, everyone feels that way sometimes, and heck if we (people) didnt have someone to point out flaws we’d be doing em all the time eh, and that’d be bad to repeat the mistake. so sometimes we need critizim, just dont critizie me, i take it to heart lol..night!!!
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ps: even tho i know im not one of the 2 people u love, u should love me, because with out a little chellie like me in your life, you’d be lost.. jk 😉 but you should love me, cuz i love ya.. u know that ur my friend, u listen and help me out *huggles* so i love ya 🙂 u better love me a little, so make it 3 people *crosses arms* jk 😉 bye night now!!!! go shower whoo hoo lol *jumps round* *Hugs*
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ps ps: again!! lol i know how u remembered friday the 13th u read the entry didnt u, or did u like use a calender and now i feel all dumb? lol anyways i hope they let u have half day duty.. they better or i’ll beat em up with my kun fu *karateeeeeeee ayeeeeeee ya*
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You won’t lose me! Count on it! Aww it’s great you’ll get yto see your siblings again. Don’t you have a pic of your famous sister? she sounds adorable. Have you started re-reading Catcher in the Rye?
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