Totally Wrong!

*2 entries ago when i was all stressed out about the bulletin roge rhad posted….i was totally wrong!!1 i want to get laid really bad
2- me to i want to get laid really bad
3~ i wanna get laid really bad LOL this is fun
4 you need 20 bucks and go to a corner
number 4 was his. he was just acting goofy and was just going along with what the first 3 people had said!! i couldnt believe he told me that!! i truly believe him too. he was so great about it and i’m happy i did ask him about it cuz i’d still be stressing about it! *lol* i asked him about it earlier this week, but not exactly sure when. oh well. i know he’s in love with me and no one else!!





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yea sometimes its good to be wrong

December 18, 2005