i hate college…stupid teachers!


So…one of my teachers emailed us this evening and told us the assignment she gave us last week that is due technically today (12/09)….is gonna be our final!! WTF! Okay…first of all I didn’t plan on even doing that assignment!! Second of all, are they allowed to tell us about the final….THE DAY OF THE FINAL?!? I just don’t feel as though this is right!! I did it though. I’ve been doing it for a couple hours now and I finally finished it and emailed it to her. I’d be so pissed if it wasn’t even right! At this point I don’t care. Here I go again….sleepless night. I know I can still get like 6-7 hours of sleep before I have to get up, but when I get in bed I cant just close my eyes. I think of horrible scary stuff! Like death! OoOo!!….Anyways! I guess I’m gonna make sure the assignment saved just in case I did something wrong. *lol* Good night!




i just copied that from myspace blog. just to fill you in a little bit. so with all that above being said…aren’t teachers suppose to give you a study guide or a little warning about when the final is going to be at least?!? I know I know, this isnt highschool, but damn! My dad didn’t pay $1170 just to have the teachers screw me over on the last test! It’s not that I’m not ready for the exams…I am…but I’d appreciate it if they at least said HEY!! YOUR FINAL IS 12/09….STUDY CUZ I AIN’T GIVING YOU NO DAMN HIGHSCHOOL STUDY GUIDE!! *lol*

Sorry bout my rant. Yall have a good night and sweetdreams!… especially missyanne24 becuz I know since Miss Olivia came she definitely could use a good nights sleep!!

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December 9, 2005

ok those teachers are screwing u over…man i hate teachers! lol