Okay….Movie Night Take III




*still have my fingers crossed*

So…my boyfriend Roger broke up with me on the night of November 28 on the internet! WFT! I’m okay though. Tuesday-Friday we’ve spent time together. We’ve went to the movies twice this week. He took me out to eat at the Waffle House. We’ve played XBox together at his house. I’ve took him lunch to his work. I’ve ran errands for him and everything. The only thing that has changed is we’re haven’t been saying I Love you. That changed though.

Last night we went to the movies, but left early. We drove back to his house and we ended up fooling around and that led to going all the way. I don’t regret it though. After that we were both worn the fuck out *lol* so we got dressed and had to drive back to my house cuz he left his car here. While he was driving, I started to cry! I broke down and told him why.

Well, I walked him to his car and we hugged like we never wanted to let go of each other. He told me he loved me!! Whether I 100gbsp;believe it at this moment I’m not too sure, but I don’t care! To go without hearing it for 31/2 days from him then hearing it again, that feels good.

He called me when he got home to let me know he made it there becuz it was like 1am. When we got off the phone then he said it again. THEN…again this morning when we got off the phone. So I’m so confused.

Are we back together or what? I hope this isn’t a game! I love him so much!

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December 4, 2005
