to him from me



November 25, 2005


I just wanted you to know that I love you and I always have. We have our moments, but believe it or not, I wouldn’t change anything. Every single fight you and I have had has taught me (and hopefully you) something. The one lesson that you have molded into my stubborn mind is how no matter what…your love for me in unconditional! The ups and downs and in betweens all have a purpose : to learn to accept your lovers faults…whether it’s always needing to be right, not reading or following directions good, or just having a few PMS days; I feel we have both conquered the skill of accepting faults. *lol* Baby, in my heart I feel like you are  "my one"  and I trust you with my heart, bodt, soul, and life at this point that you won’t hurt me in any way. Okay, I guess you are getting bored reading this. Know that my heart is your’s for as long as you want it.

I Love You!


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November 26, 2005

aww thats really sweet!

His love for you isn’t unconditional. It’s for now. You keep forcing yourself into his life so he keeps having to take you back. You’re just easy so he keeps you around for the blow jobs.