I Had A Breakdown!





Okay – so tonight I just had a breakdown on the phone with Roger. I told him everything I’ve been wanting to for a while and now it’s out in the open, no secrets. I didn’t hold back tonight. I told him that if he still feels a need for Holli (his ex) to be in his life then he needs to tell me so I can move on….but he said he didn’t want her anymore. Then I said that I don’t keep any secrets from him, which isn’t really a lie! I tell him things that he would never find out…becuz in the beginning we said : NO SECREST!! He keeps things from me that I find and OMG it kills me, but I try not to argue about it so I keep it inside of me till I fucking breakdown! I told him I need him to treat me better and he said okay…I told him not to lie to me and say okay just to shut me up, if he couldn’t treat me better let me know, if he didn’t know how to treat me better let me know! He said he wasn’t lying (HA!)…so we’ll see.

Tonight things came out that I didn’t really mean to say. *lol* I let him know that I love him "truely, madly, deeply" and that I didn’t waste almost 2 years of my life on him if I didn’t really love him. I want him and I to work and we will if he starts communicating with me. Don’t tell me to shut up and don’t tell me that I aggrevate you…that doesn’t help my mood buddy!! I can’t stand that! Yeah, it’s cool to let me know I need to chill out, but don’t tell me to shutup cuz I’m talking too much!! *BLAH*….So….lets see what comes out of tonight’s conversation. HmMm…

Oh, by the way :


Other than what I posted above, I said lots and lots more…just don’t wanna type it all out. *HeHe* I was a kick ass BITCH tonight. I was not about to let him walk all over me on the phone. NO WAY!

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He told you to shutup?! Way to be sensitive. Geez…..this guy deserves a good ass beatin

October 31, 2005


I’m glad that you got your feelings out in the open. There’s no reason for him to treat you like that when you so obviously love him. I hope he starts treating you better. Take care, and YEY!!! for being a kick ass beyotch.

November 1, 2005

good for u hun! hopefully he treats u better!