I’m BaAaAck!! *pics*





Yep, Roger and I got back safe and sound…I just haven’t had much time to write an entry yet. I have a couple minutes right now though so I’ll post some pictures. I’ll explain as I post :


^ This is a picture of a wall in my mom’s apartment. She’s made it like a little collage. She draws and colors pictures and hangs them up there. She also has pictures of my brother and me.

^ That’s the collage of pictures of my brother and me. Old and recent pictures.

^ This is a fuzzy poster that you color. She loves doing these….

^ Like I said…she loves doing these fuzzy pictures.

^ Meet Daphanie (one of mom’s cats)

^ Up close. Look at Daph’s eye…BLUE!!

^ The other cat distracted her. *lol*

^ She had to inspect what Key Key was doing. (Roger’s back is in the picture)

^ Awww….looks like Key Key took time away from eating to actually smile at the camera. *LOL*

^ Key Key posing for the camera. How cute!!!

^ Yes, this is my mom on the toilet holding and posing with Key Key. *lol*

^ This starts our trip home from Oregon!! How beautiful!! Oops, we got a bit of the wing too.

^ More clouds.

^ Shot of clouds under the plane.

^ The wing….*oops* and clouds. OoOo cool…you can see Roger’s shadow of his fingers in the window.


^ Roger liked the middle cloud.

^ The middle cloud zoomed in on.

^ Roger looking out the window. This picture was not posed. I just snapped it without him knowing.

^ Another one without him knowing. He was listening to music…hence the earphones.

^ Some city…with Roger’s finger in it too. Hell that’s probably like 2 or 3 different cities.

^ Another city shot.

^ Going through a cloud.

<img style

=”WIDTH: 410px; HEIGHT: 321px” height=”321″ alt=”” src=”http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y226/sunflowrrr05/Random/Trip%20to%20Oregon/Plane14.jpg&#8221; width=”300″ align=”middle”/>

^ Us in a cloud. (Roger’s idea *lol)

^ I believe this is some of the airport parking lot….but I’m not exactly sure.


Not really nothing too great, but Roger and I thought they were pretty. Honest to God I think Roger and I are going to end up getting married one day…you might be asking yourself why…Well, becuz after spending a whole week day and night together, we still spend everyday together. We got home Sunday night and last night (Monday night) he was back at my house eating dinner and watching a movie like usual. We rented Lords of Dogtown….GREAT MOVIE!!! Heath Ledger…MmMm…That’s all I got to say. *HaHa*

But we both thought that after we got home from my mom’s we’d spend a couple days apart and just stay home with our families…but that didn’t happen. He was over again tonight eating dinner and just watching TV.  🙂

My uncle came into town today. It’s my dad’s brother, and I haven’t seen him in like 3-4 years!! He’s gay! A total flamer…and I love him so much! Him and I talked about everything today. We talked about him and his life and partners and then about me and my life and my ex girlfriend Shanda and my now boyfriend Roger. He told me he’s a transexual and in about 2 years he hopes to have an actual vagina. WOW!! OKAY!!

I’m tired and I need to go to bed. I haven’t been to class in 1 week and 4 days!!! I definitely have to go back tomorrow! *blah*


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October 4, 2005

awesome pictures. thats the prettiest cat!

October 5, 2005

aww looks like u had a great time! im glad u guys are back safeley! the pics of the cats are soo cute!!

October 5, 2005

welcome back hun. i love the pics huggles

well i’m glad u enjoyed ur trip. u favor ur mom a lil and i’m lovin the pics of the clouds, thats me and my cloud fetish!….

October 21, 2005

cute kitties!

Why would you take a picture of someone sitting on a toilet holding a cat?

November 27, 2005

lmao… cant believe u put a pic of ur mom on the toilet… does she know thats up here??? my mom would kill me… my mother in law has a cat like that.. what kind is it… she has a big huge main coon too… we were thinking the little one (that looks like urs) might be part maincoon