Sitting In The College Comp. Lab







Just like my title says, I’m sitting in my college’s computer lab. I got here real early, it’s 4:07 and my first class doesn’t start until 5:45…so yeah, I got here early. I’ve never really been in the computer lab before. It’s cool. I get to look things up and play games and write in my diary. *lol*

Ya know, college isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. I’ve got into a routine now and everything’s going good. I had my very first college test last week and I made a 88/B on it! Go me!! My friend Melissa and I tried to study, but we got side tracked by a big gallon bucket of cookies-and-cream ice cream! *lol* The day of the actual test, a couple of other people plus Melissa and me got together in a little study group. Maybe that’s why I got a B….Don’t bet me wrong, I’m too happy about that!! If I made a B on every test from here until Dec of 2006, I’d be okay with that. I just can’t believe I knew the material that well. It was in Music class. HmMm…GO ME!!

Anyways…I’m bored so I think I’m about to go play spades on yahoo….no, I think I wanna play pool…Hell, I have time to play both. Better being here early then late.   🙂

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