Took her To Her Death *serious*







I had to take my dog Princess to the Humane Society today becuz I couldn’t keep her. I just never paid her any attention becuz her pen was on the other end of my yard and I never walk down there. The pen is pretty big…we use to have goats in it. I fed her every other day, but I’d feed her alot. I just felt bad and I felt like she deserved more. Princess deserved an owner who pays her attention and let her run around and be loved. She desevered to have a fenced in yard instead of a pen…Point Blank : She deserved more than what I was giving her.

So I thought I was doing the right thing taking her to the Humane Society thinking she’s a very loveable medium sized puppy, someone will most definitely adopt her. So I loaded her up in my car. She seemed to enjoy the car ride, I didn’t know she liked riding around. I got a little bowl of food for her and I alternated between letting her window down for her ears and tounge to flap and turning the air on high for her.

She was laying across the little console in the middle of the front seats. Her head was on my lap and I was rubbing her and telling her how sorry I was. I told her that I loved her and how I hope she gets someone better than me next time.

When we got there, I put her leash on her and picked her out of my car. She started walking a little bit which she has NEVER done before on a leash!! So I opened the door and kinda had to nudge her inside. I started crying!! I know I didn’t take good care of her towards the end, but when i first got her she fucking slept with me!! Then things happened and she had to move outside. It hurt my heart so bad when I handed the man the leash and she was sitting right there by my feet just looking up at me wondering what we’re going to do next. I knelt down, and I kissed her nose…her head…her ear!! I just kinda held her and once again whispered in her hear everything I told her on the way there. I then let go and he took her back in a room. She was so scared!! I walked out to my car and brought in a big bag of her favorite food and I saw her being put on an examining table.

I mouthed I Love You and I’m Sorry and walked out to my car and drove off. I was crying so much on the way home it was pathetic. When I got home I called them real fast and told them that if she gets adopted out, I would like to me called and notified just so I know she’s going to be happy. Well, the guy told me that they did a heartworm test and she came back  +  for it. He also told me that the treatment for heartworm medicine went up $50 so I think he said in all it’s like $175 for them to get it and treat the animal….and he practically told me Princess wasn’t worth spending that money on becuz they don’t think anyone would adopt her. BULL SHIT!! She is great with people, she’s not one bit aggressive, she is a big baby and is so loveable!! The man told me there is a 95% chance Princess would be euthanized, which means put to sleep!!

It hurt me so bad to know that I practically took her to her death!! I mean, I thought everything would work out and she’s be happier and and make new doggie friends and all that kinda stuff, but NO! Becuz I was such a bad person, she has to die!! An Innocent dog has to be brought to her death becuz of the owner stupidity and selfishiness!!! I don’t understand!! My mother is telling me to go back up there and get her…which means I’d have to buy her back for $75, but even if I did…she’d be brought back here where she gets fed every other day, doesn’t have enough room to play and have fun, doesn’t get to interact with other animals other than squirrels….plus she has heartworms which will eventually kill her, right? Is what I did okay? Did I make a good decision?…HELP ME PLEASE!!



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September 9, 2005

If you love her, go and get her. Change your habits, play with her, all that. It WILL make a difference for her, but you have to be willing to make the effort to do so. If you do, then… Well, you saved an innocent life and regained a lost friend.

September 9, 2005

*hugs* i agree with the first noter…

please get her! maybe this whole thing happend for a reason, you know? it made you realise how sweet a dog she is…maybe you two can have a second chance!

September 9, 2005

I don’t have any advice for you, but wanted to send you some hugs. If you don’t think you would be a good home for her, then…well…I don’t know. It’s awfully hard to leave a good animal at a shelter. Hopefully someone will help her out. It’s easy for us to say ‘go get her’ but you have to make that decision for yourself, ya know? Good luck, and again…many hugs. I know it hurts either way.

I’m sorry but its hard for me to have sympathy. My dog was a rescue that had been in four homes. He had some bad habits but I took the time to train them out of him. Too many people adopt cute little puppies & when they aren’t cute & little anymore they lose interest. Its not a toy its a living creature with a soul. At the very least you should pay for the hearworm treatment. If you had provided

proper care in the first place your dog never would have gotten heartworms. There is preventative for that. Why would you take an animal and then neglect it? How would you feel if your parents had done that to you when you were a kid? You owe it to the dog to find a home or a no-kill rescue group that will take him in AFTER you pay for the heartworm treatment.

September 9, 2005

I agree with the first noter. My dog has the same problem as yours. We keep her in a fairly good sized kennel because she’s an explorer. I feel bad about keeping her in there, but instead of trying to find her a new home I try and take 30 to 40 minutes out of my day everyday to walk her around the block, which helps. If you love your dog and take her back try to start a routine. 🙂