Home Alone = Cleaning



So I didn’t go out with Roger tonight. Really, he wasn’t planning on going out, he was just going to talk to a guy that sold him something for his car….Roger met him at the lot. The lot consists of like 20 cars so that means like 30-40 people. *lol* I knew he’d end up staying out there for a while. He called me at 7:45 exactly telling me he was leaving but would call me when he got home. Here it is 5 till 11 and he ain’t home yet. I’m not mad though!! I’m glad he went out and met with some friends, although I will be highly pissed if he ends up racing someone tonight!!

My dad left earlier this afternoon for his girlfriend’s fiance’s house and was just going to chill over there, possibly spend the night too. He’s so funny!! He acts like I’m little and can’t stay here by myself!! He acts like he has to have my permission to stay the night over there!! So he called to check in with me about 30 minutes ago and I told him straight up…Dad!! I’m old enough to be here by myself, done it before plenty of times! It won’t bother me if you spend the night over there!! Chase (her son) isn’t there….get some alone time in before he comes home!!…I think I talked him into it. He asked if I had company over or something *LOL* nope….I wish though, but no, that’s not the case. It’s just me…

I kinda like when he’s gone at night becuz I go on this major cleaning spree! I’ve already made my bathroom sparkle!! I scrubbed my bathtub/shower, scrubbed my toilet good, cleaned off and wiped down my little vanity and all the freaking little mirrors everywhere.

ROGER JUST CALLED ME!! IT’S 11:02….HE’S HOME!! okay….I had a total urge to go off and I think I pissed him off. he has broken so many promises to me lately…he promised me he’d go with me somewhere tomorrow and Oops….he can’t becuz he will be working on his car! I went off!! I told him I was tired of this bull shit and he told me I’d get over it….I said yep, possibly without you too!! Yall just don’t know how bad this is killing me!! He puts me on hold for his fucking car!!! When we got off the phone, we didn’t even say I Love You!! It’s in-fucking-sane how he is….becuz when him and I first started dating and Shanda (my ex girlfirend) and I were "allowed" to talk….all we did was cry becuz things got said and feelings got hurt….and that’s when he "forbid" me to talk to her. His reason : becuz all she made me do was cry or be in pain. The only difference now is it’s not my ex that is hurting my feelings, it’s my current partner whom I’m hopelessly in love with and whom to I am 100% dedicated to!!

Now I’m currently in the kitchen. I have done 2 loads of dishes….I know you’re probably thinking Eww that we have enough for 2 loads, but we didn’t. The first one was like 3 pots and a couple glasses and silverware. The second one was like 3 bowls, a couple coffee glasses from my dad’s car, a few cooking spoons, and some silverware. I’ve cleaned the sink in there….I’m fixing to wipe down the stove and countertops.

My next stop : the laundry room. My dad has some clothes in the dryer i need to fluff up and fold, then I need to start my clothes. I got enough clothes to do 2 loads! *LOL* I kid you not, I have about over 50 pairs of thongs….so if I don’t have to do laundry…if I can hold off for 3-4 days, I will! I divide my panties into catagories : thongs, comfy panties ("whole panties" that are very cute and comfortable), and then there are period panties (once again "whole panties"….just ones that aren’t cute that are worn during a certain time of the month). I’m weird I guess.

After I finish with laundry, that is if I actually do finish before I pass out, I’ll start cleaning up the living room. It’s not too messy cuz I picked the big things up today.


I got to thinking tonight, before the above red rant happened….I don’t think it’d really hurt Roger and I to go a couple days without seeing each other….or hell just a couple nights out of the week…becuz in 21 days when we leave to go to my mother’s we will be together for 9 days/8 nights straight. There is no going home without me…there is no leaving me for his friends or car for that matter….just him and me (and well, my mom too). I have a night class every night of the week except Fridays….But on Mondays and Wednesdays I get out at 7….maybe on those nights we can chill or whatever….but on the other nights Tuesdays and Thursdays I get out at 8pm….and usually I do go over to Roger’s, but I’m tired. So maybe if him and I come up with a schedule or something we can work it out. Becuz even though I have night classes it seems like I see him every night still.

I feel like I need to email him. I’m not sure what exactly I’m going to say, but I’m pretty sure my fingers will take over.

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September 3, 2005

RYN: Thank you for your note. Its so very nice to meet you. Worse than 09/11? In some ways, yes. We knew this was coming. We have given away many freedoms to Homeland Security in the belief that they were “in charge” of disasters of all kinds. We knew about Katrina and all systems failed. There will never be an excuse for taking 5 days to help those poor people. Never. Both are a heartbreak.

September 3, 2005

RYN: i’m so glad to hear that people are donating, it seems like all we’re told on the news is that they’re in desperate need for things and nothing is getting sent. Bless your dad for the cash & bless you for the things you bought. that’s truly admirable.I hate feeling helpless, but you’re absolutely right, the only thing we can do is pray for their safety & well being. Thank you for coming by.

September 5, 2005
