spoiled, huh?



Hey you guys! What is up? Yea, I do have to agree with the peeps that left notes on my last entry…Booger is treated better than most gerbils. *lol* I never thought in a million years I’d have a rodent living in my room muchless in my house on purpose. He’s so loving though. When I first got him I kind of aggrevated the shit out of him and he was very skiddish around me. As time went on I slowly started to pet him and interact with him. Now I can pick Booger Boo up and just love on him and even kiss him on the nose. I did end up taking that pin back to PetsMart and getting Roger’s money back from it. *lol* I just didn’t think Booger would be smart enough to figure out he could climb, but he did and I couldn’t chance him climbing over without me knowing. He’s out of his cage now. He just runs around his cages and he loves to sit on my window sill and actually look out. He’s pissing me off though because he’s knawing on my curtains and I have like two kind of big holes in them now. No, they weren’t expensive, but I’ve had them in my room since like 1989. Guess it wouldn’t hurt me to change them sooner or later.


I went to class tonight. My Music class started at 5:45. It was so borrrrring for some reason tonight!!! It went by slow and nothing really happened other than this chick annoying me!! Gosh, she does it every night in that class!! She’s a know-it-all. My teacher will barely have the question out of his mouth and she’s already saying the answer. Poo on her. If she knows it all about music, she shouldn’t be in tha damn class. Excuse my bitter attitude.

After that class I had Math. The only good thing that happened in Math class was she told us she wasn’t going to be there for the next two Thursdays. I have her class on Tuesday and Thursdays….so that means I’ll have two days away from her within two weeks. Hooray!!

On a better note, after Math class I called Roger and he said he needed to go to WalMart to buy a couple things…so I kind of invited myself and told him I’d drive over there and we could go together. He said okay. So I get over there and he gets in the car. We talk. When we get there we get out of the car and I latch onto his arm and, this is going to sound insane…but it was like I could feel the love from him. We weren’t holding hands or whatever, like I said, my arm was tangled in his and I just felt the  "love vibe"  from him. *lol* Tonight was good. It’s so funny to me though because the whole reason he took his little  "vacation"  was to get away from me and just chill. I know I’m annoying to a certain extent, I’ll admitt it. Well since I have night classes everyday of the week except Fridays I thought it’d help him out with spending time away from me. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I see him after classes. Mondays and Wednesdays I get out at 7:30 and I usually swing by his house and pick him up and we come back to my house. On Fridays I get out at 2 and I see him that night and all through the weekend. I thought that Tuesdays and Thursdays would be our alone nights I guess. It’s not working out like that and I’m scared that he’ll call for another separation soon. Oh well…boys will be boys. *lol*

I love him so much!!


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August 31, 2005
August 31, 2005

🙂 aww u guys sound so cute

August 31, 2005

ryn: yes, thats my wedding dress 🙂