Booger Boo *pics*


^ I bought him a little pen so he can get ouf of his cage a run a little bit. He seemed confused at first.

^ He tried to burrow out of it. I felt bad, but not for long.

^ I put a few things in there for him to play with. He started acting cute!

^ Kiss my ass!! *lol*

^ I think this one might be my fave. He looks like he caught doing something he wasn’t suppose to be doing. *LOL*

^ Of course I knew he’d make a mess….

^ Awww….he looks like he’s begging to get outta there!

^ Finally, he figured out he could climb….and he sure hauled ass up the cage!!

^ After he did it the first time, that’s all he wanted to do!!….

^ My baby doing pull ups! *HaHa*

^ His coat is shiny! YAY! That means he’s healthy.

^ Look at them eyes….they really are red and beady. Crazy, huh?

^ He started to climb around and his neck fur got bushy….*HeHe*


^ This is the future Booger Palace… day!

^ That’s the look out tower cage…

^ This is where he mainly eats and sleeps.

^ He mainly drinks out of this cage. I dunno why though cuz he has water in the one he sleeps in. Oh well.

^ This is them as a whole…all connected and everything. He has fun running through the tunnels. I’m fixing to add some soon.

^ I’ll end with this…I just took it like 1 minute ago. Doesn’t he look so sweet?!?….

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August 30, 2005

aww cute!

August 30, 2005

wow! What a very spoiled little gerble you have there!!

August 31, 2005

He’s a cutie alright. What we do for our pets! RYN: Thanks. 🙂