Real World….show and life


I just got done watching The Real World and I started like bawling my eyes out!! I can’t believe Danny’s mom died on Valentine’s Day and then tonight on the new episode, he had to go to her funeral and bury her….bury his own mother!! Just little things on a TV show can make me cry and that did me in! It actually made me start thinking. I’m about to call my mother and talk to her. His mother wasn’t sick or anything, it was a sudden heart attack.That scares me!! That could happen to anyone!! So I just need everyone important to me to know that I love them…starting with my dad. He already knows though. Him and I make sure we say it at least 2 times a day. Roger and me say it everytime we talk, whether it is in person, on the phone, or on msn. What makes me happy is even though we are separated we still tell each other I Love You!! And I hope he knows I truely do love him.

He called me at like 6:30 to let me know he was home from work and that he was going to get in the shower and call me later. Well my phone rings at 8:16 and it’s him. He had fell asleep after we had got off the phone earlier. *lol* he sounded so cute. But he said he was going to get undressed (MmMm *smiles*) and strip down to his boxers (Yummy….!!) and go back to sleep. He just felt very tired tonight. He said I Love You and good night and he hopes I slept good tonight….Gosh he’s so sweet.

I guess the point being whether it’s on a show or in reality, you never know what’s going to happen. Something so serious as a sudden death could happen in like 2.2 seconds and no one is to blame….it’d be no one fault! I’m just glad that the people in my life know how I feel about them!! Especially Roger!!!….


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August 9, 2005


August 9, 2005

ya i totally know how u feel….like id watch a romance movie i’ll start bawling my eyes out cuz thats what i want in my life… and sad but ya the i love u thing me and my sister are really close and she lives an hour away so if we talk online we always say i love u and i say it to my parents every night even though sumtimes we get into arguments!

August 10, 2005

ryn: thanks for stopping by 🙂 I’m addicted to the RW myself. It was soo sad last night 🙁 It does make you wonder and think about things in your own life when you see things like that. Makes us feel very vulnerable. 🙁

i know what you mean about the real world. i love that show. but that episode really got me down’ random noter

that’s strange you mentioned valentines day that’s my boyfrieds sisters birthday. Im sorry to heare his mom passed away. Send my regards. Nice OD keep in touch an hope to heare from you soon.L8’erss