what love makes you do.


roger called me today to wake me up. like always, i fell back asleep…but then he called again and woke me up. i asked him if he granny was gonna bring him lunch and he said no that she went out with one of her friends. he started hinting around that he wanted subway and if someone wanted to bring him something that would be cool. i said if he wanted me to bring him some lunch to just ask. he asked and i took him something. he really hurt me feelings though becuz everytime we’ve talked on the phone he’s always the first one usually to say i love you bye. well, he didnt tell me he loved me today in person. that really took a shot at my heart!! i didn’t say long at all….i just dropped off his food and told him bye. i didn’t even get to kiss him!! i really want to kiss him soon!!

i accidentally called him around 5ish and was talking to him. i apologized for calling and he said it was fine. well just playing around i asked him what we were doing tomorrow for our anniversary (1 year and 5 months) and he said HUH? and i said something about our anniversary being tomorrow and he just kinda let out a loud sigh almost like saying please shut up!

well, it’s 6:29 right now and he just called me to let me know he was home from work and just wabted to say hey. after all this i really hope he decides to get back together!! him calling me actually a bittersweet feelings!! it makes me happy to hear his voice and know he still thinks about me but it also hurts becuz i know i cant see him. all i want to do is hug him and give him a kiss!! i just want everything to be better!!! *sighs*

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