The Whispers of Truth

Striaght up, this was written by me back in March. I did not steal this nor do I want anyone else to. Please respect me and my diary and please don’t take this!!


The Whispers of Truth

It’s hard to come to the realization that you cannot make someone love you.

It doesn’t really matter how much love you’re willing to give, it’s not always going to be returned.

I don’t think it means there is anything wrong with you.

I don’t even think there is anything wrong with the other person.

That doesn’t mean there is no pain associated with the experience.

Rejection is never painless.

Why love somebody who does not return the love?

When you make the decision to love, you do not get to make the decision who to love.

It’s unfair isn’t it?

Wouldn’t life be so wonderful if it were guaranteed that whomever you loved would love you back?

Then where would the excitement be?

Isn’t love worth the chase?

In the end, the reward is suppose to be sweet…right?

Then why is it that love does not play by the rule?

Why does it seem like love seeks to destroy instead of heal?

Why do some people just seem to have all the luck in the world and others are alone?

If I could make you love me, I would.

I’d create mountains in the middle of the ocean if that was what you wanted.

I’d pull the stars from the sky and set them at your feet if that was what you wanted.

How vain I am to even think I would accomplish either of those tasks!

How vain of me to think I could possibly make you love me!

So, I think I’m going to let you go – it’s not like I ever had you.

Just like I can’t make you love me, I can’t make myself stop loving you.

I had to write this poem for English in my senior year of highschool. It wasn’t suppose to ryhme, but if it did it was okay. It was suppose to be about a regret, or something hard to do. We had to write a believable poem….almost like a letter to someone. I chose something hard to do which is make someone love you and then make yourself stop loving them unconditonally. I got a 110 on my paper, but I still felt like I failed. I didn’t learn anything from this lesson….it just kinda made me sad writing this.

Roger doesn’t even know about this assignment. No big deal though, it was an assignment….a very deep English assignment.

Please respect me and my diary, once again, and don’t take this. Ask me if you could take it if you want it that bad, okay? Thank you.

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Hello,I got you on random. I was wondering – what is your favourite local restaurant? I am starting a collection of menus from all over the world… please check out this page to get more info: 🙂

Wow. Thank you very much for your offer to send some menus to me, I am very very thankful. Of course this is for real… I will give you my address:Kimberly Hart191 Oxford StreetGoderich, ON, N7A 1E8CanadaAgain, thank you for contributing 😀

August 3, 2005

very nice poem.

August 3, 2005

very nice poem 🙂

August 3, 2005

thats a really good poem!

Hmm..nice poem. RYN: Yeah..vibrators are the greatest, aren’t they? lol

I really like this poem Ryn: please dont try it, please dont start throwing up. It is not fun, I DREAD WAKING UP EVERYDAY just beacause I know Iwill start the binge/purge cycle, I want to be free from this web I have spun, Please dont get yourself stuck too.

August 4, 2005

Thats really cool and so true aswell. xxx

August 4, 2005

Hey, u left a note on my diary??, I live in Birmingham in England not Alabama so yeah thats me lol Luv Kimmie

August 5, 2005

that’s a really amazing poem.. wish i could write like thatryn; i realyl want to get my nose pierced, but i can’t because i just got a job at this posh department store place :(xxx

August 6, 2005

we have found it =) *jess

August 6, 2005

That’s pretty good there.