Interview #4

*This Interview Done By : inquiring_minds


1) If you could be any famous person, who would it be and why?  I honestly don’t know. It’d have to be someone that’s hardly ever in the tabloids… *lol* Hmm, I guess I’d be Carmen Electra. Is she still famous though? She’s gorgeous, her hubby’s hott too…she said they have great sex and their wedding was unbelieveable!!


2) If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?  I’d change the way people automatically judge someone becuz of their race, religion, or sexuality. I can’t stand judgemental people like that. If I got to change two things, the other would be  "world peace" if there really is such thing.


3) Looking back on your life, what moment are you most proud of? Least? Why?  This is going to sound so stupid, but I’m proud of myself for never letting others intimidate me for being different in my own way. The way I dress, the way I look in general, the way my hair is always a new color, the way I talk or act. Never have I let anyone tell me I was wrong for any of it. The least proudest moment would be my dad finding out I wasn’t a virgin the day before his birthday back in 2001. That nearly killed him and it crushed me becuz I didn’t plan on him knowing and he was very disappointed in me.


4) Describe your ideal date. Umm….I guess going out to eat. Wouldn’t have to be fancy, just wherever he wanted to take me. Then grabbing some movies and a bag of popcorn and going back to one of our houses and just chilling. Get to know each other and watch movies. Honestly, I’m not hard to please. I don’t like the high class scene.


5) Republican or democrat?  Have no idea, I’m not political. I’ve never voted.

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July 31, 2005

Thanks for answering…wonderful answers by the way!