Interview # 3

*This Interview Done By :  love, nay

1) A life lesson you learnt that everyone should know is…?  As long as you’re happy  with what you’re doing, don’t try to make anyone else. I’ve made that mistake before and it sucks. I was very happy, and I was staying out of trouble, but my dad just wasn’t happy with me. So I stopped. Big mistake!! Made me miserable.

2)What do you think about as you’re falling asleep?  Okay, it’s weird for me to fall asleep. I have this crazy thing that happens to me. I won’t lay down to go to sleep until my eyes literally cannot stay open any longer. I fight my sleep!! If I lay down before I can actually fall alseep, I think of horrible things. Death, Hell, Things that have happened in the past that have scared me. I cant take that anymore, so I don’t go to bed till like 2 and 3 in the morning. It’s almost like I’m scared to fall asleep.

3) What compliment do you receive regularly from people? Do you agree?  Oh Gosh…."you have a nice ass!" and yes, yes I do!! I have a ghetto booty  and I’m very proud of it and all the guys say for me to be white it’s nicccce!! I show it off in jeans, and skirts sometimes.  🙂

4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Does it differ from where you hope to be?  In five years I’m hopefully going to be out of college, but I’d love to see myself really settled down, as in married. I’d even love to have a kid by then. My own house, my own stuff, I don’t want to be renting anything! ….Nope, it doesn’t differ, it’s along the same line.

5) Describe yourself in 5 words.  LOUD.CAREFREE.OUTGOING.SPONTANEOUS.INLOVE…..!! *lol*

*I kinda cheated on #5, I put words together. HaHa*


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July 30, 2005

thanks for interviewing me…sorry I didnt credit your friend on the picture. It was one of those late last minute things…i fixed it though 🙂

July 30, 2005

So here is an interview for you…. 1) What are three words that best describe your personality? 2)If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why? 3) Looking back on your life, what moment are you most proud of? Least? Why? 4)Describe your ideal date. 5)Republican or democrat? Let me know when you answered!

July 30, 2005

instead of “what three words best descirbe your personality?” you already answered that….here is another question. If you could be any famous person, who would it be and why?