…nothing to write about, just bored…

i am bored. roger and i went to eat lunch at chili’s. once again i had an 8oz. steak…and once again it was great. he had a 12oz. steak i believe. this was his first time going. i felt special, i was finally his first for something. *lol* after we went to chili’s we rode by his work to price some tires for my truck. didn’t do much pricing though, just socializing. we rode by his house and grabbed his xbox and came over here….to my house of course. he played his game while i cleaned up my room.

after a while, he came back here and said he was tired. i told him to lay down and take a nap. well, he’s sleeping now. he’s been sleeping for a good 20-30 minutes now. he looks so peaceful. this gave me a chance to finish cleaning my room, but i had to be really quiet. i haven’t woke him up yet. i even swept and mopped my room without waking him up. YAY!! i’d be a good wife i think. if i can clean the house/room without waking someone up, i think i’m a keeper. *lol* i’ll have to tell him that when he wakes up.

i’m getting really bored just sitting in my room trying to find things to do in here, so i guess i’m about to go in the living room and play the game i rented today. Shark Tales. hopefully it’ll be good and not bobo!! *smiles* I’ll write later.

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I visited your diary:)

u sweep now? thats good!!!!