Just Being Mean

Was Wrote On : July 15, 2005


" Just Being Mean "

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I finally talked to Roger again. He called to let me know he was home now. I asked him about what had happened. I asked him if he really meant what he had told me. He said no…that I was yelling at him and he was getting mad at me so he said mean things to me. He said he didn’t mean it though.


I was so happy to hear that!! I told him that I don’t want to come between his friendships…but I would really appreciate it if when he went out with his friend, if he could just call me and let me know what’s going on. I wasn’t asking for an hour long conversation, just a quick check in. That probably sounds very possessive…that I’m asking him to “check in” with me, but he does it with me too. It’s just kinda nice to know where he is and who he’s with after 5 damn hours.


Well, he’s home now and he said he didn’t mean what he said and that he was sorry. He never came and got his Xbox becuz I told him my dad would be pissed if he came over…my dad wasn’t even home yet. I told him that and he said oh. He said he didn’t come and get it becuz he didn’t want my dad to kick his ass. *lol*


I’m just very happy he didn’t mean what he said and that everything’s okay now…or is in the process of being okay. I’m going to watch TV. I’m hooked on a new show, Wildfire. It’s a great series. I’ll write later.

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