so my dad has been dating this chick for 3 years now…..1 year on-again-off-again and 2 years straight. Well, last night he proposed to her!! Holy cow!! my parents have been divorced since i was 10, so that makes it 8 years now. i’m so happy for them!! i never thought my dad would remarry and at first when he told me i cried!! i wont be the only girl in his life anymore. for the past 3 years i knew if i pouted i’d always get my way….now i’ll have to compete…but thats okay. as long as he’s happy i’m happy. she is so pretty!! Here’s a pic….this was taken may 26 (2 months ago) :

thats her and me at my highschool graduation. sorry the pic is so big!! Oops…!! but she is so pretty to me. she’ll make a beautiful bride…!! and i know she’s a great mom. she has a 10 year old son. he’s really annoying, but when she told him, all he could say was he was so happy he has a big sister now! that made me feel good, but i hope i dont disappoint him!!

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July 13, 2005

That’s cool 😀 But I have to admit, when I saw the entry title, I went O.o and thought he had proposed to you. 😀 Hehehe.

July 13, 2005

yeah the pacific coast is beautiful, i could spend all day just sitting there watching the ocean…aww, now i want to go again lol..

That’s good for your dad, now can he share how he got a woman being a single dad? I can’t seem to figure it out.

July 13, 2005

RYN: Thanks. We rushed it a little bit but there are certain opportunities you can’t let pass you by. 🙂

why didn’t u tell me? i saw ur dad a few days ago and i was gonna say hey but i decided that maybe i shudn’t. don’t really know why. ashley u don’t have 2 call me & actually talk 2 me but u cud email me & drop a few lines everynow & then & let know how u been doin & that everything is GREAT 4 u. tell lori & ur dad i said congrats, if u don’t mind.