One Word Survey

Answer all these things with just 1 word….it’s harder than it seems.

* Stole some questions from Redflash24, but I also made some up.

1.       Yourself : Loud




2.      Your Appearance : Unique




3.      Your Lover : Mine




4.      Your Lover’s Appearance : Perfect

5.       Your Relationship : Chaotic




6.      Your Family : Broken




7.      Your Mother : Liar




8.      Your Father : Hero




9.      Your Sibling : Awesome




10.   Your Favorite Item : Blanket




<span class="e

ntrytext”>11.   Your Favorite Drink : koolaide

12.   Your Dream Home : Beautiful




13.   Your Room : Small




14.   Who You Are Now : Misunderstood

15.   What You’re Not : Slut




16.   Your Best Friend : Stressed




17.   One Of Your Wish List Items : Ring

18.   Last Thing You Did : Typed

19.   What You Are Wearing : Jammys




20.  Your Favorite Weather : Spring




<p style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in”>21.   The Last Thing You Ate : Noodles




22.  Your Life : CRAZY




23.  Your Mood : Sleepy





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July 11, 2005

ryn: you can take survey you want :O)

July 11, 2005

ryn: actually im about an hour away from Eugene…

hey i read your notes back and forth with red and saw that you’re going to eugene in september…i live there! ha! awesome. just thought i’d randomly type that to ya. and no, i don’t mind being on your faves…i’ll add you too! -Cass

July 11, 2005

this looks like a hard survey…not sure if i’ll steal it or not…