Ashley – Roger = Dan

so yesterday i took roger some lunch at his work. we were sitting there and he asked me what i wanted to do last night and i said i dunno. he brought up going to a movie….YAY!! okay!! so i thought we were going to see a movie, preferably War of the Worlds. Well, he calls me later and said his best friend Dan was in town and he was depressed becuz he had been fired from his job and needed someone to hang out with. of course roger drops our plans and goes running to him, but not until about 11 last night.

we went to my friend Hannah’s house and her husband and roger linked their xboxes up and played that game Juiced. roger told me that when dan called my cell, he’d leave and go meet him somewhere. okay cool. whatever. well, hannah and i went to old navy to shop. we were gone for about almost 2 hours i think. dan eventually called and i wasnt around roger, but i told him i’d give him the message to call him back. so when hannah and i got back to her house, i told roger that dan had called. naturally he called him back from my cell and just like that, he was packing his xbox up to leave so he could go meet dan. he did invite me, but OMG if i dont HAVE to be around those two together then i’m not, plus i knew he didnt really want me there. i’m not too fond of dan anyways and when roger gets around him it’s like i dont know him anymore. he is totally different, but he never believes me….he doesnt realize it.

so when he leaves hannah’s house i do too and i didnt wanna go home so i went driving. i drove around the circle a few times, rode down to the damn…but some guy came down there and asked me to leave becuz they were shutting the gate becuz of the weather. with that hurricane rain and wind, the water was rough. so i got home around 11:45ish. well, roger hadnt called my cell and i know he didnt call me house so i was a little worried cuz like i said the weather was getting pretty nasty. as soon as i got home, i got on MSN messenger hoping to see him online but nope. no roger.

i emailed him two times….i was worried, but he shouldnt have went out at damn 11 o’clock!! he finally called me at 12:45 and said he was home. okay…i needed to hear that about an hour ago!! by then i was already asleep and i didnt really want to talk to him. "you are home, you are okay, now let me off the phone"….that’s not what i said, but thats sure as hell what i was thinking. i was so pissed. he could have at least called me sometimes while he was out with fucker ….oops dan….dan does have a cell phone!! *BLAH*

today was yucky!! the hurricane sent really rough winds and floods my way!! i spent half the day at roger’s house though. my dad went to his girlfriend’s house becuz she was freakin out!! so i think i stayed over at roger’s from about 11:45 – 4 this afternoon then we came to my house from about 4:30 and i just took him home around 11:30ish. we watched the weather channel and played xbox and he fell alseep on the couch. it was so cute!! i woke him up though becuz i was getting pissed at my game and i was cussing at it. after my dad went to bed, we started to tease each other, but nothing too serious. *lol* now I’m home and i’m tired and i hope i can sleep with the wind blowing outside. it sounds spooky!! BYE YALL!!!….oh yeah….i dont think this got said not one time today :



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