
We spent yesterday morning cleaning.  Pretty much from 8 am to noon.  It was time to get rid of some stuff and put things in places that actually made sense rather than just wherever was convenient when we last had the item.  We’re not done.  I imagine we’ll be spending a good chunk of today cleaning as well.

We finally got the pink chairs out of the nursery and took them to Savers to donate them.  I finished painting the bookshelf and now all that’s left in the nursery is moving the furniture into it (and putting it where it belongs) and taking out a handful of items that were in there when it was just the extra room.  That stuff is already put away in a tote, so we just need to get the tote out, really.  Oh, and I need to decide if I want a glider or a recliner, though we probably won’t buy that until next month.

One of my OD faves is very likely going to have her baby today.  Congrats, Sezzie!  I’m a little jealous.  Not because she’s having her baby, per say, but because she’s not going to be pregnant anymore.  :-p  I hit the 28 weeks mark yesterday, so I have 3 months to go.  My fun pregnancy thing right now is having Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I’ve been having them for about 2 weeks.  Most of my faves that have had kids only ever mentioned having them close to their due date.  Not me!  I started at week 26.  Granted, it’s perfectly normal and it’s also perfectly normal for some people to have them and not even know they’re having them….but couldn’t they have waited a while?  They’re not painful, but they’re definitely not comfortable, either.

If we ever find any time, Duckie’s going to do our taxes today.  Even though I’m not claiming any exemptions on my W-4, work isn’t taking out enough in taxes – 6% instead of 15%.  We’re not even close to owing taxes, but we’re not getting back what we thought we would.  Well, this year, we’ll have ze bebe to help with that. 😉  I know some people think that, ideally, you should only pay exactly what you’ll owe throughout the year, but we’re not those people.  We’d much rather pay over and get the extra money back (even if it means "giving the government an interest free loan") than underpay and end up owing.

That pretty much covers my obligatory entry for the month, I guess.

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February 12, 2012

Yeah, we overpay through the year too… I have the hubby do s-0 through the year, then at the end of the year we claim the 4 of us, getting back almost 10,000 this year…. Talk about a nice bonus!!

February 12, 2012

My BH started at 30 weeks…they were brought on by the stress of my husband shattering his ankle while playing softball. They actually started that night while we were in the hospital and I asked the nurse and she assured me they weren’t *real* contractions…so, that was convenient. LOL. I had them up til the morning I went to be induced. They’re definitely annoying! Have you had your glucose test yet?

February 12, 2012

ew those suck, i hope you feel better!

February 12, 2012

I’m with you, I’d rather get money back than have the chance of owing. :/ Good luck on cleaning and such!

February 12, 2012

the kid bonus is nice 🙂 I started having BH at like 22 weeks with my second but never felt them at all with my first. They definitely weren’t comfortbale!

February 12, 2012

28 weeks, holy crap. I didn’t realize you were so far along!

February 12, 2012

Oh man, look at you, getting stuff done. You’re making me look like a lazy slob (which is a good thing, so thank you for that motivation). I don’t have experience with pregnancy so I am sadly lacking in anything to say on that end, so…I’ll just say that I’m glad you’re doing okay! I hope everything continues to go smoothly- or as smoothly as possible- and you remain happy!

February 12, 2012

RYN: Aww maybe I’ll do that. Papa Johns has ’em too. 😀

February 12, 2012

good luck with the BH’s. i definitely didn’t have mine as early as that, probably because callum was so late. maybe this is a sign your little one will be on time or may even a few days early???? i do wish BH contractions felt more like real ones, though. it’s a shame that they don’t. it wouldn’t been nice to be prepared. stupid body.

February 12, 2012

RYN: Oh, man, it’ll be awesome…when the friggin’ pre-existing condition thing is up. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it irks me. Argh. But anyway, yes, yay new job! I seriously did not think I was reading it right when I saw the “no deductible” part of the plan. What does that even MEAN?

February 12, 2012

We’re the same way. We get so much back because Matt is always paying more than he needs to for taxes but like you we’d rather pay too much and get it back then too little and owe them money. I find that a much better strategy. It’s not like they take all the money at once, it’s just a small amount every paycheck.

February 12, 2012
February 17, 2012
