Weaning Day #2
Today when it was time for Robert to take a nap, he’d been asking to go "Ny Nite" for a while. So I hoped he was good and tired, although he can fool me with what appears to be happy energy right before going down. So when I put him down, I put a pillow in between us and I told him the story of the little boy named Robert who went to the beach with his parents and his brother, Dylan. Robert got pretty interested in the theme of the story right away and he sat up with big eyes and said, "Dada Mama Dyna (Dylan) BEACH!" But I soon got him to lie down and within moments he was asleep. Not too shabby. But when it comes to putting him BACK to sleep…that will be a different story. Yesterday he woke up from his nap still crabby and crying. So I tried to lie him back down without giving him the boob and he just cried and CRIED. He never went back to sleep and his face was red and puffy for a while. 🙁
Hopefully today he sleeps well throughout the nap and wakes up well rested! Then we’re off to Shannon’s house so he can play with Jace! Finally! She’s always quite busy.