
4:27 PM
OK.  I have a moment to write about Robert and his progress.  And if there’s time then maybe I can share about me and Roy!!
Robert’s big thing now… whales!!  He thinks about underwater creatures a lot and is fixed on whales!  We didn’t even see any whales when we went to the aquarium, but there was a large whale statue that Robert enjoyed.  He always goes over to a picture I have hanging on his wall that has an underwater scene and he points at a dolphin that is facing toward the viewer and says, "whayo!"  And I try to correct him and say it’s a dolphin, but he insists, "whayo!"  (it’s because the first time I saw the picture, I thought it was a whale, and I said so.  Then I quickly changed my tune and called it a dolphin, but it was too late!  He now calls it a "whayo" anytime he sees it!) 
So, yesterday he was talking about whales and I even brought some up on the internet so he could see some whale pictures and I tried to show him a You Tube video of whales.  Since my computer is SO DAMN SLOW, it never just plays a streaming video for me, and it sticks and hardly makes it through a couple of seconds of movement before it freezes up or what have you.  But he still enjoyed looking at the pictures.  Then it occurred to me…  don’t I have "Free Willy" a whale movie on VHS?  I dug around my collection and…viola!  I have it!  So I put in the movie and he was SET.  He snuggled right up next to me on the couch and we watched Free Willy!  He really seemed to enjoy it!  He was so cute!  He even got off the couch for a moment to do something, then came running back over to me and hopped up and snuggled into my side again!  I threw the B&W big, stuffed dog over his lap to keep him warm and he stayed snuggled up to me and under the dog for the remainder of the movie.  What a sweetie!!  (Whayo, whayo, whayo!)
Dylan went to his mom’s house yesterday (as he does every Sunday).  Getting him to the point of leaving was tough (as it is most Sundays) with having to remind him to finish his list of responsibilities.  Man, he makes it tough on himself and the whole family.   He procrastinates like nobody’s business, then chooses to watch movies and goof off on Sat. night instead of completing his stuff.  Then, come Sunday morning, he’s trying to get a ride home with his list still unfinished!!  And he’s got an excuse…well, my Nana’s coming and I have to spend the day with her.  Well, my mom’s taking me out for breakfast.  Well, my mom’s going to watch a religious show with me this morning…  It’s ALWAYS something.  I even gave Roy a head’s up (before Dylan got up) that Dylan didn’t do part of his list and would create a problem first thing in the morning with trying to get out of our house early.  And the funny thing is, (not funny ha-ha), his mom didn’t even have a car to pick him up.  So it really was all up to us if we wanted to give him a ride early.  He was hiding outside calling his mom and complaining about what a slavedriver we are (Not sure if those are his words or his mom’s).  Then his mom wants to talk to us, and I told Dylan, "not me!"  I will not talk to his mom (unless there is an emergency).  I asked Dylan to explain to his mom that his choice was to procrastinate his responsibilities and that he could explain that to her just as well as I could.  Dylan tried to tell me that his mom is big on him being responsible too!!  I have no idea if that’s true or not, but it certainly doesn’t seem like it to us.  She NEVER backs Roy up as a parent and always is calling us mean, etc.  (this is RIGHT after we learned Dylan has been lying to us about tutoring and hasn’t been going at all!!)  (the tutors in school had to bring his picture up on the computer to see who he was and then reported that he came once or twice and then never again)  Sheesh.  Roy says that kid is killing him (with all the added drama and stress)  I wonder if life will ever get better for Dylan.  He’s just like he was when he was 11 and "hiding behind his Mama’s apron strings".  I told him, he hasn’t really grown up much at all since then.  I can’t wait for the day he starts taking on responsibility himself.  (When will that be, L-rd, WHEN?!)
It was pretty wonderful aside from the Dylan stress.  Robert said goodbye to Dylan about 25 times before we went on our walk!!  It was so cute!  I’ve never really seen Robert understand that Dylan was leaving to go to his Mom’s and say goodbye before!  He kept stopping and looking back at Dylan and saying, "Bye!" and waving.  Then he’d take a step and return to where he was a moment before and say "Bye!" and wave again.  Dylan loved it and continued the "Bye!" ritual with Robert a gazillion times!!  I took a picture!  That baby is so damn cute!  Then we left for our walk.  I actually got to run!  IN MY NEW NIKE SHOES!!  Jean at work hooked me up with a discount and I got some Nike Air shoes.  I just wanted something more appropriate than my worn out Reeboks for running.  So I ran, then climbed the hill back up to the street where we live.  Robert was great on the walk.  I don’t even think he complained much that I didn’t let him down.  When we got home he had some breakfast and then took his nap.  As he was falling asleep (still nursing) I was falling asleep too!  But I quickly woke myself up thinking of all the things I could get done while he napped.  And boy, did I!  I threw in some laundry, washed the kitchen and bathroom floors, did the sink and toilet, took a shower, primped in the mirror for a few luscious moments to myself!!  Then I made my husband something for lunch (egg salad sandwich with cheese)
At some point in the kitchen, as I’m rushing around trying to accomplish everything in the world while the baby is asleep, My husband said something, and kinda reached around me, and then…  he was kissing me and holding me close!!  I was so suprised!! (although, I had been thinking that I looked good after my shower!!)   He DID, however, let me go finish what I had started!! 
THEN, I actually got to bead an eyeglasses holder for a Jody – a nursing friend at work.  She gave me a delicious box of peanut brittle from See’s Candy for the holidays and BOY was it good!!  Roy, Robert and I very much enjoyed it!  After that I got to make ME something to eat….  (fried eggs with cheese, potatoes from the other night, green onion on the side, with some chopped tomato)  Itlooked SO GOOD on my plate, that I could invision Robert looking at it and gulping the way he does when he starts salivating over something that looks yummy.  So I went in the room and got him up (it only took me saying, "you’re near the edge, Bug") and he was up!  So I brought him into the kitchen to see if he wanted what was on my plate.  He actually wanted a hard-boiled egg and his toast with jelly, so I got to enjoy my plate myself.  That’s when I thought of Free Willy and when I put the movie on.  After that movie was over, it was close to evening (and the sun going down) so I took him outside for a few minutes of run-around time.  He wasn’t interested in running around outside in the near-dark, so we went into Roy’s shop.  The baby runs around and instantly gets into Roys cans of screws, etc.  He even put a screw into his EAR CANAL and was wandering around chatting with his hand up to his face like if he were on a bluetooth!!  I quickly got the screw away from him, but he is a crafty kid!!  Now we need to watch him even MORE closely.  He took out his drum set and drummed on that for a bit.  Then he actually told me (by fussing and gesturing) that he wanted to go upstairs back up to the house. 
That is when I decided to get dinner going on.  I got Robert involved in a movie so I could cook, and I made a salad.  Then I asked Roy if I could go to the store and if he’d watch Bug.  He said yes, so off I went.  I even got gas, as I had to work the next day and was on empty! 
Anyway.  I got my suplies, and headed home.  I finished up dinner (Ravioli, macaroni, sauce, garlic bread and salad).   The baby really just likes the elbow macaroni with butter and parmesan cheese and nothing else as much.  He ignored his cheese ravioli (yum  – from Costco!)  and ate the macaroni!  Go figure!
After clean up, and baby to bed…  Roy and I finally got to finish what we started in the early afternoon.  Although I announced, "It’s baby makin’ time!!" I did not get implanted with any seeds!!  It was an orally-fantastic time, tho, I’ll tell ya that much!! 

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