That About Sums It Up

I think that being being heartbroken is something that one can see in the future to the point of almost expecting it, but at the same time, being heartbroken is something that one can never be prepared for…

That about sums me up in the past three weeks. Destinations of relationships remain unclear, but I think I can see the warning signs off on the horizen. Speak the words that I feel I need to say, and consequently compromise the freindship, or remain quiet and never be sure what she feels. A familiar decision seems all the more weighted somehow…I can guess how it how it would go down, but at the same time, I could never be prepared for what she would have to tell me

Oh well, life will go on either way

Peace and Love…Mikey

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hey. i emailed you a while ago but im not sure you got it. You can email me at And it sounds like you have had a shitty past 3 weeks. sorry… ~me

May 30, 2003

ideally you should tell her how you feel… but realistically i’m probably being a hypocrite telling you to do that. people say ‘the most important things are always left unsaid’ and ‘if you feel it, say it’ but i don’t think it’s always that easy, it’s much easier to tell someone what they should say to someone… good luck either way