Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends! All my family is getting together at my sister Noleen’s home for dinner tonight. There’s going to be 21 of us, which should lead to a lot of noise and chaos, but it’s so nice to get everyone together.
Yesterday afternoon we did a girl’s get-together for just my sisters. My sister Ilish had this idea for us all to get this big fridge calendar and we could fill out the birthdays and special days for the coming year. Trisha made the delicious chicken soup and I bought sliced turkey and ham, and tortillia wraps so we could make wrap sandwiches. Ilish made two kinds of oatmeal cookies, and Brenda made apple crisp. We also had coconut rum, vodka and various tropical juices to make drinks. We had a really great time ,even though the hubbies who were supposed to take care of all the kids showed up early. When Ilish was driving Brenda and I home (it was okay, she doesn’t drink) Trisha and my niece Erin all came along in the mini-van too. I forget what set us off, but we were all laughing so hard that we went into fits of giggles. It was such a great time. We don’t have much chance anymore for only the girls to be together but after this we’re definitely going to arrange another get-together like this.
My sister’s gave me an early birthday present last night and really surprised me. They gave me a snazzy red Samsung Digimax A402 digital camera. It not only takes pictures, it can take video and record sound too. Wow! I was so thrilled!
Anyway, I’ve just got the call that our ride is on the way, so I’d better go. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and week everyone.
Warm hugs!
Nice to see you’re still around, hon! Hugz
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It’s good to see you again! Warm hugs back at’cha, and Happy Thanksgiving!Recently got a new digital camera myself and it is thrilling me no end….
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It’s great to have you drop in. Glad you had such a great Thanksgiving.
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